You start having to fucking shave your ears. Seriously, fuck this shit. I'm growing more on them than sections of my scalp.
Just wait for your rectal hair to come in.... young whipper snapper....
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You start having to fucking shave your ears. Seriously, fuck this shit. I'm growing more on them than sections of my scalp.
1000mg of ibuprofen 3x a day for 6 months. Assuming no flareups go down to 2x a day for 6 months. Assuming no flareups go down 1x a day. At the first sign of a flareup, immediately go back to 3x a day for a week or so.Bad kidneys run in the family (thankfully, no diabetes), so lately, as I creep on 40, I am running into issues with Gout in the foot I had busted in an accident.
Holy frell. It is the second worst pain I have ever felt. First being passing a kidney stone.
God damn white ass hair, one short pubic like hair in each of my ear holes, that's hard as fuck to pluck out because it's coated in ear wax...You start having to fucking shave your ears. Seriously, fuck this shit. I'm growing more on them than sections of my scalp.
1000mg of ibuprofen 3x a day for 6 months. Assuming no flareups go down to 2x a day for 6 months. Assuming no flareups go down 1x a day. At the first sign of a flareup, immediately go back to 3x a day for a week or so.
Rheumatologist gave me that treatment for gout more than 20 years ago. Works like a fucking charm.
God damn white ass hair, one short pubic like hair in each of my ear holes, that's hard as fuck to pluck out because it's coated in ear wax...
I hadnt considered the kidney issue. I do full blood workups every year. As someone who lived for years with the excruciating pain of gout, I can tell you I would do pretty much anything to escape it.Yeah, but if kidney problems run in their family then that level of NSAID dosing will have a greater than zero chance of causing kidney issues..... Worth the risk?
Get a clipper for that shit, You can use most nose hair trimmers to get ear hair too...
I hadnt considered the kidney issue. I do full blood workups every year. As someone who lived for years with the excruciating pain of gout, I can tell you I would do pretty much anything to escape it.
Yeah. I can only run NSAIDs when I am getting a flare or think I am getting one, funfun.
Mostly doing dietary changes. Cutting red meat down to just two-three times a week (was 5 or more), eating yogurt (not a fan), lots of unsweetened cherry juice and whatnot.
Brutal, man. Dietary changes seem to work for me, for the most part. Only time I tend to get flares now are when I injure the joint - last time was when I had a crate land on my foot and bust the big toe+second toe of my foot.
I'm just too lazy to track my different cards. I just take the 1.5% on everything and dont have to think about it.I use my capital one card as a catch all.
I use my Amex blue card for groceries, 2x points.
Then my discover card has that rotating 5% cash back so whatever the current month is, that's what I use it for. Unfortunately, the changing categories for the 5% is apparently confusing to my wife who randomly uses different cards because she can't remember the rotation.