Same thing when someone farts on the skydiving plane on the way up. One of the cons of being first out the door.Did you know that when airline stewardesses fart as they are walking down the plane aisle they call it cropdusting? It's a real thing.
I made double sure they were 18. First things first.
I'm old enough now that my frieds that have a kid 18 or younger were really late.
I ended up listening to some jazz on youtube and thought "this is actually kind of neat".
Fucking same way now at 44 =/ Try and hold something close and my eyes wont be on the same page. Individually they see fine up close but together they just will..not..focus. That said at least I aged well I guess. People keep forgetting i'm in my 40s. Had a TMNT shirt on at work and a lady walking the other day told me I probably wasnt even born yet when TMNT was big.I used to have the most perfect eye sight, like holding fine work right up to my face to see minor details.
Now at the age of 42 I can't see clearly anything closer than 250mm (10" for you weirdo people) .... I don't think i'm getting old, I just think my eyes are tired.
My dad told me years ago, the plan is to die young as late as possible … he is 70 and acts like a 14 yr kid... I am my fathers son haha...