25HM LK was the shit. I feel you, I'd say.PvE - 25man Heroic Lich King. I made a guild in January from scratch with 3-4 old friends who wanted to raid on a lighter schedule of 3 nights/wk. We went from using PuGs to barely down Marrowgar to getting the US #55 Heroic Lich King kill. All without every breaking out of our 10 hour raid schedule.Imperative Heroic Lich King (25) Nerdgasm - YouTube
I played some on SP in the indian guild, IOB, not sure how long they lasted. Spent most of my time on Sonoma doing factions though. Best pvp experience definitely comes from some sigil stealing/defending/corrupting.None of you casuals ever pvp'd on Siege Perilous in UO? Easily the best times I've ever had in an mmo and the only time I embraced some RP faggotry, roaming the woods with the Blackoaks; fighting orcs and crazy asians on lamas.
I need a time machine for my evenings, fuck it.
What game doesn't release with bugs/exploits? For its time it obviously more than exceeded expectations.Early UO was dogshit. I bought the game with a friend. We'd been playing muds with each other long enough to have the basic gist of it and we had a plan. So I logged in, walked around, learned the interface a little bit. Went to mine a rock (mine that rock!). Filled up my bag and walked back to town to meet up with my buddy. Some guy saw me and tried to gank me -- ok, that's cool I expected banditry, sometimes you win sometimes you manage to run away... haha sucker eat my dust... and then a guard walks over and 1shots me and I'm left going "ooooOOOoooOOO".
Called my buddy and told him the game was just going to be a dumb exploit fest and I was heading back to the muds. Didn't look back till EQ came along.
Edit: The game was pretty much an exploit fest when it came to pvp. And no, not all pvp is just an exploit fest.
Wow thanks you just made my day, even though my glorious warrior was declared to have been killed in your raid chat at the end. Great times. Every game since comes up short by a mile.^
I can remember waaaay back in '99 on Vallon Zek when Arcane Circle, Black Sun, and Chaos Overlords merged to form Xanit.