Just a straight forward song, but it's so perfect in that it is a musical expression of the Dude character. Chilled out music and what the lyrics are saying.
1. Lord of the Rings, Fellowship of the Ring. Seriously, the score makes this movie so much more awesome than if it was something lame. The fellowship walking through terrain becomes awesome just because of the score.
2. Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back. Almost perfect in every respect. Plus, the Imperial March.
3. Conan the Barbarian. I had forgotten about this, but the whole thing really is pretty great. Pretty much every section is full of awesome.
4. Jaws. Not just the famous 2 note theme, but the entire thing is really well done.
5. The Last of the Mohicans. The last few minutes of the movie especially, is just music with no dialogue. The opening theme and then the elk hunt is also awesome. (I may be biased with the elk hunt theme, since it was used for the Forgotten Hope mod of Battlefield 1942 and I played the shit out of that.)
6. The Dark Knight. Hans Zimmer is awesome, and IMO the best movie composer since John Williams. The Joker's theme in this perfectly captures the essence of the character.
7. Inception. Dream is Collapsing is phenomenal, plus the way he integrates the entire score with a slowed down song is truly inspired. This is another example of a movie not working nearly as well without the score.
8. Raiders of the Lost Ark. The Indiana Jones march, the theme of the ark of the covenant, I don't need to go on.
9. Terminator 2. The main theme, the T1000 theme, all of it is great.
10. The Good, the Bad and The Ugly. The main theme, and the ecstasy of gold.
Honorable Mention: Tron Legacy, not a good movie, but a great soundtrack. V for Vendetta, Evey reborn specifically. Fight Club, everything is well done. The Silence of the Lambs, nothing very showy, but really captures the mood of that movie. Star Trek 2: Wrath of Khan, lots of good stuff in this one. Heat, especially the song that plays when Pacino is chasing down DeNiro right before they have a cup of coffee.
Dunno if it's really considered a movie but i fell in love with the OST of Koyaanisqatsi. The music is from philip Glass : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4WlNj1TTqA
Interstellar soundtrack felt a lot like it.