Youtube and Monetization


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I'm not looking to monetize her channel. Just set her up with the software to make her video game videos.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I wasn't saying YouTube was dead. Just that anyone hoping to start up a random channel and quit their jobs probably already missed their opportunity.

This isn't true either.

You just have to garner a relatively small audience of around 50-100k people, and open a patreon and produce a decent amount of content.

Now, it isn't going to happen overnight. Its a thing you have to grow now, over time.

The key is to monetize multiple revenue streams. T shirts. Patreon. Youtube ad revenues. Add it all up, and you can start making quite a bit of money.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
If you want the best/easiest chance of youtube earnings, live streaming is where its at.

Boot up a livestream of anything interesting, or livestream someone else's livestream.

Pretty much guaranteed to make a few bucks here and there.

Go to and put rick and morty seasons on a loop in VLC and livestream it 24/7. See what happens with your viewership, i'd be interested in how that turns out. Hell, I made 170 just by restreaming the bernie/cruz debate which was surprisingly laughable.

I'd def recommend making a really really simple imacros bot that clicks "play ad" every 2 minutes as well. That's how you make dollars. It's easy as fuck to figure out, so don't be scared. OBS setup is more difficult than imacros botting to click a simple button every X minutes.

If you want to earn based on pre-recorded vidyas, you pretty much have to make it viral which is a somewhat difficult task.


Pretty much guaranteed to make a few bucks here and there.
I still haven't gotten my adsense code in the mail from google so I can start cashing out.



EQ in a browser wait time: ____
It has to hit $100 before they send you dollars


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
It's the letter with the PIN# in it that I am waiting for. They said they already sent it. I will hit $100 in 2 days. We make $8-10/day.

That's about what Alexa said Draegan's site was worth.

So probably about right.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I was doing videos for Tyranny (game sucked though) and I was getting like 50-60 views per but the game was all dialogue and was boring as shit to stream, so I quit and didn't get many subs.

But the fact that you can draw in that sort of viewership putting up lets plays of video games literally 5 minutes after setting up an account tells me the audiences are there waiting to see content. Its keeping their eyes thats the hard part.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
This isn't true either.

You just have to garner a relatively small audience of around 50-100k people, and open a patreon and produce a decent amount of content.

Now, it isn't going to happen overnight. Its a thing you have to grow now, over time.

The key is to monetize multiple revenue streams. T shirts. Patreon. Youtube ad revenues. Add it all up, and you can start making quite a bit of money.
And twitch if you're into that

Bro Team canceled his Patreon because he said he's making enough on twitch.


A Mod Real Quick
People still pop up and make money

Look at someone like seagull. Got sort of alright with tf2 But EXPLODED with overwatch