YouTube's War on Ad Blockers


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Still no issues with Brave. And I assure you, if youtube turns into TV with unskippable ads, it will turn into TV and go extinct.
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Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
I had two videos the other day on Brave that black screened for a bit and then popped up a static post-ad screen, but it seemed to have gone away after those instances.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
One of my PCs got hit with the latest wave of anti-adblock, although it only really happens in private windows (in Edge with ublock installed). Get a bunch of pre-roll ads that don't actually play but do delay watching what I actually want to watch. It's also the only one with Windows 10 Home on it, all my other boxes (with Win10 LTSC or Windows 7) are much less affected.

It's just a HTPC that I do nothing with except watch streaming content so nothing stopping me from installing a different OS if it keeps it up.


The Scientific Shitlord
One of my PCs got hit with the latest wave of anti-adblock, although it only really happens in private windows (in Edge with ublock installed). Get a bunch of pre-roll ads that don't actually play but do delay watching what I actually want to watch. It's also the only one with Windows 10 Home on it, all my other boxes (with Win10 LTSC or Windows 7) are much less affected.

It's just a HTPC that I do nothing with except watch streaming content so nothing stopping me from installing a different OS if it keeps it up.
Brave Browser still ad free. Just never use the browser for anything else, and never log in to your account from it,


<Gold Donor>

I don't understand how a service that streams content to me can decide what software I run on my end that only effects my end. How the fuck is no one suing them over this? We should sue youtube over this, I'll chip in a couple hundred canadian, 43cents us, dollars for the cause!

Can we start a gopfundme to sue youtube? Can youtube even be sued over this? Seems like you can try an sue anyone over just about anything these days.

I can't find anything about not running adblockers in the terms of service but I'm a stoner retard so whatever.
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<Gold Donor>
I'm not a lawyer, but I'd imagine it falls under the "if you don't like their terms, don't use their product" thought. Unless they become some sort of government defined "town square" or "essential utility" I don't think it matters what they allow or disallow. I get that things can be murky in terms of what businesses can dictate (restaurants, for example), but unless we somehow prove they are racist or transphobic or some bullshit, no one is going to make YT change what they demand.

And honestly, that's how it should be. Let the free market dictate how much bullshit we'll put up with. Sure it seems like YouTube is the behemoth none of us can do without, but eventually if we all get fed up other platforms WILL rise to fill that need. Now, how those new platforms will pay for themselves is not clear, but if we're fine with supporting a new platform with a little fee, YT would probably ask why you won't just pay for YT premium if you don't want ads.
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I had this shit start up with me again (FF + ABP)

I went off to play a game after it told me "Adblockers are banned on Youtube" and when I came back hours later...I was able to just continue on as if nothing had happened?
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<Gold Donor>
Isn’t it depressing how streaming service is going down the exact same route that cable went down?
Someone has got to throw a speedbump of off-ramp on this road soon, or invent a new technology for viewing media, because this sucks.
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Avatar of War Slayer
A "hack" to get around ads on any video, with any browser, running any extensions by using Bing:

Copy the video address into the Bing search window, then scroll down to the fist video link:
2024-09-25 18.35.13 8027295a350e.png

That should open a second Bing window that will start playing the video directly w/o ads:
2024-09-25 18.36.29 9421200af986.png
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what Suineg set it to
I'm not a lawyer, but I'd imagine it falls under the "if you don't like their terms, don't use their product" thought. Unless they become some sort of government defined "town square" or "essential utility" I don't think it matters what they allow or disallow. I get that things can be murky in terms of what businesses can dictate (restaurants, for example), but unless we somehow prove they are racist or transphobic or some bullshit, no one is going to make YT change what they demand.

And honestly, that's how it should be. Let the free market dictate how much bullshit we'll put up with. Sure it seems like YouTube is the behemoth none of us can do without, but eventually if we all get fed up other platforms WILL rise to fill that need. Now, how those new platforms will pay for themselves is not clear, but if we're fine with supporting a new platform with a little fee, YT would probably ask why you won't just pay for YT premium if you don't want ads.
There's no such thing as a free market.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
A "hack" to get around ads on any video, with any browser, running any extensions by using Bing:

Copy the video address into the Bing search window, then scroll down to the fist video link:
View attachment 548259

That should open a second Bing window that will start playing the video directly w/o ads:
View attachment 548260
I've noticed that it doesn't seem to affect embeds, which is probably what's happening here. We could all just liven up the video thread with whatever we want to watch lol.


Avatar of War Slayer
I've noticed that it doesn't seem to affect embeds, which is probably what's happening here. We could all just liven up the video thread with whatever we want to watch lol.
I tested the Bing trick on an unmodified Chrome browser for a few minutes, but on my normal browser (Vivaldi) I've had UBock Origins running for so long that I'm not sure I know what embeds are, in this context. The only thing I see are various channels doing the "This Video is supported by VPN_Tank_warfair_game and here is a 1min spiel of me reading the text they sent me."


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I tested the Bing trick on an unmodified Chrome browser for a few minutes, but on my normal browser (Vivaldi) I've had UBock Origins running for so long that I'm not sure I know what embeds are, in this context. The only thing I see are various channels doing the "This Video is supported by VPN_Tank_warfair_game and here is a 1min spiel of me reading the text they sent me."
I just mean videos embedded in a webpage. I assume Bing is embedding the video similarly to how you would post one on a forum, and I've never had Youtube complain about that. It makes sense though, since people will stop embedding them if they break for everyone. Someone could probably make a script that generates a page with the embed code any time you click a youtube link.
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