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    1080 GTX FTW getting around 144fps at 1440p/144hz on full ultra. i5-6600k OC'd to 4.4ghz.
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    GTX 1070 and GTX 1080 announced available May 27th

    Probably going to be going the 1080 route. I recently picked up a 1440p 144hz 27in Acer (XB270HU) and it seems like I should have purchased an upgrade to my 760 first. I get decent framerates (70ish in Overwatch) but from what I'm gathering, I'm not utilizing this monitor to its full potential...
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    EQ Never

    This pleases me. When they started talking about pirates and ninjas being playable classes and fucking with the established deity lineup, this game became something I hadn't been waiting for. If they go the route of EQ3 or an updated EQ1, I'll get excited again. There will be no ninjas in my...
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    Black Desert

    I appreciate it!
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    Black Desert

    Any more codes laying around?
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    Reading all of your posts intimidates me. I've dug down about 1000m and have some sweet lead gear. Feeling like maybe playing alone is boring. Or I'm missing something.
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    A small favor

    Hope you find someone to help. In case the fuckwads here start shopping in Sam Da Man or fucking highlighters, try over at reddit. I've seen some good work there on /r/photoshoprequest.
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    Witcher 3

    Speaking of which, what DO people spend money on? I have 8k at level 15 and I have no clue what to spend it on.
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    Military Thread

    I remember waking up legitimately excited because it meant it was time to eat again at the COB Adder/Ali AB DFAC. I've never eaten so well in my entire life and it took a 6-month stay in Iraq to accomplish that. It was 2010 and by that point all of the deployed personnel and Iraqis were just...
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    What's the worst movie you've seen at the theatre?

    The third one was the biggest insult. I'm sure the first two might objectively be worse but that third one just put the shit cherry on top of a trilogy I wanted so badly to be good.
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    Military Thread

    I'm Security Forces stationed on Bellows. Skate assignment where the majority of my time is spent writing parking tickets and talking to folks on the beach. Marines were training adjacent to us and one of the Ospreys came down on our perimeter fence. Hit my lights and sirens and pulled up to...
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    Military Thread

    I will say I've a new found respect for the Marines after being part of the Osprey crash on the 17th. Seeing wounded pulling wounded off of a burning aircraft and handling themselves the way they did was a sight to see. They're definitely the most "military" out of the branches and get shit done.
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    Military Thread

    E6? Holy shit. Air Force is pretty standard E-4 and you're out of the dorms. I was out as an E-3. Currently at Bellows AFS. Hawaii pay is insane even with the cost of living being so bad here. Roughly $2700 in BAH alone and I pay $2100 to live alone close to the beach. On top of the ridiculous...
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    I have such a hardcore fucking crush on Jenn. And what shape is Will exactly? Wtf.
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    EQ Never

    As soon as they started entertaining ninjas as a class and the morons over on Reddit ate it up I began wishing for it to fail. It's not the EQ I want.
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    EQ Never

    Big things happening in the EQN world today. They released concept art for goblins. I'd link it but I'm on my phone and it's not worth seeing.
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    Project 1999 - Making Norrath Great Again

    Do we have a chat or anything? Just started up.. Avatin, level 3 bard in GFay.
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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    At the Rijkmuseum they have an app to walk you through the different areas, this being one of them. They're reading about the Rembrandt behind them. I was there earlier in the year and used it myself.
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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Anyone happen to be on Emerald Dream, Alliance side? Getting bored playing alone and I'm finding the player base to be functionally retarded most of the time. I need friends <3
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    Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16

    Same. I returned it so hard today. I slammed that thing down and the clerk said "You too?" I'm sorry, but anyone who loves this game onlywantsto love it. 60 bucks for that? A bunch of missions where I guard Peter Dinky while he hacks a computer and then empty beacons on planets just telling...
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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Pretty much. I'm ilvl 521 or something. I miss the social aspect that WoW used to have but I know that's just the way it is now.
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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    I'm just tired of playing the game alone. If you guys want to play with someone who isn't totally retarded, please: Avatin#1766. Holy/Ret Pally and leveling up a hunter. Alliance. Emerald Dream. I NEED SOCIAL INTERACTION.
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    Wii U

    This game is so goddamn rage inducing. Oh look I'm finally in 1st. Lightning hits while over a gap. Fished out and dropped back on the track. Buttfucked by a red shell. 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place racers crush into me with star power. Green shells. Mayhem. Finish in 9th place. Me screaming, "HOW IS...
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    Military Thread

    Depends on what he does.. There are only 33 Air Force total in Izmir. 31 work in the city and then we had 1 supply guy and 1 guy working the PAX terminal at the Turkish AF base nearby. He may be going to Incirlik which has a few thousand USAF.
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    Military Thread

    Sucked rubber at Osan for a year but it got me to two of the best assignments in the Air Force: Izmir AS, Turkey and then to Bellows AFS, Hawaii.
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    Battlefield 4 (Frostbite 3)

    I just got it from Amazon and it was pretty damn flawless. I was going to buy through the EA store but it charges me in Euros (I'm stationed in Turkey).
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    Battlefield 4 (Frostbite 3)

    So what's the best deal at the moment? Is the Digital Deluxe worth it? Premium?
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    Bioshock Infinite

    Myst Wakandan. I got you. I read the books.
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    EQ Never

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    EQ Never

    The friendly reminder to be nice on the EQNext subreddit. Linking from my phone, my apologies:
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    EQ Never

    Lol at Landseagull in regards to friendly treatment and "they hate me over there apparently." I said we do and he embodies the downfall of this genre/game.
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    What about mods that add a small area? For instance I saw a few housing mods and all it's really doing is changing a very small section (like a shack on the side of a mountain). I need to make sure I get this right at the beginning rather than realize I need a helluva lot more later.
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    Yea I found that my list will suffice for a new play through. I'm not trying to get crazy but Azziane made me feel better about adding graphical mods later on. I obviously get that changing a graphic file won't hurt saves while changing a character that's already fully equipped/leveled would...
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    Just downloaded the full Skyrim collection on Steam and began getting mods in order. So I just use NMM and SKSE. Why does everyone love BOSS so much and why do I need it? He's what I'm rolling with so far: All Unofficial Patches SkyUI Bandolier Real Clouds Water and Terrain...
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    EQ Never

    A particular deity? Bitch they scrapped all of the good ones.
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    EQ Never

    Remember me saying that about twenty pages back? Watching the devs and the redditors interact makes my stomach churn.
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    EQ Never

    And this is what has been the hardest for me to accept. You're absolutely right. After reading no "Antonica/Tunaria" among other lore abortions, the questionable combat issues, and other gimmicks, I started to lose interest. Then I go on reddit and some asshat explains that while never...
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    EQ Never

    That's why I made the post in the first place. Everyone on reddit is patting them on the back and in my eyes reinforcing some of the questionable ideas. Now on the other hand this board isn't quite as friendly but brings the suggestions and thorough conversations. We need a happy medium.
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    EQ Never

    I can't read the subreddit for EQNext any more. Anybody not convinced about certain aspects are "haters" and met with downvotes. It's turning into a circlejerk with the devs and a bunch of morons kissing ass. The art director is posting there and that batch of tools are praising the Kerran model.
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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    I'm from Kingston... weeeeeirrrrd.