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  1. Taho

    Eternal the Card Game

    It's in open beta so anyone can sign up and get started. I'm liking it so far. Its biggest issue is that there is no mobile client yet.
  2. Taho

    Eternal the Card Game

    I've played some Legends beta, but not this one. It's interesting that Dire Wolf is developing two competing online CCGs at the same time.
  3. Taho


    I had the quest and went 5-0 (lucky, I know). First 2 with Druid and final 3 with Pally. Pally games were much closer - I never got Tirion or minibot or other op cards. Druid games were pretty easy... was able to just drop large taunt after large taunt for the most part.
  4. Taho


    What is the bonus you are talking about?
  5. Taho


    I use Hearthstone Deck Tracker. You can import/export decks from there into your in-game collection. Edit: Derp, see Jooka 2 posts above.
  6. Taho


    I never lose to normal mode adventure bosses and just lost first try on the final Medivh portals one. Think I'll come back with control warrior maybe.
  7. Taho

    Civilization VI

    You play Beyond Earth?
  8. Taho

    Civilization VI

    I remember Civ 3 as my favorite, but yeah, that just might be the rose-colored glasses.
  9. Taho


    And there is way too much healing and armor making it take forever.
  10. Taho


    Same. 2 games in a row, my summoned 4 drop is eerie statue...
  11. Taho


    Shaman, warrior, warlock, and hunter are all solid right now. Warrior has like 4 or 5 viable archetypes, but the more control oriented decks are more expensive. Aggro shaman and mid shaman are both good. Zoolock seems to always be at least solid. I would recommend targeting a relatively...
  12. Taho

    Civilization VI

    I'm in the same boat though have played since Civ 3. I will not be pre-ordering. This is not due to Civ 5, but due to Beyond Earth.
  13. Taho


    Enzee, I would lean towards Sylvanas, Tirion, Grommash, or some other classic legendary that won't rotate out. Sylvanas was a good card before Nzoth and continues to be since silence is so rare these days.
  14. Taho


  15. Taho


    I've never played Wild. I just assumed that it would be like half secret pally. If it's more varied than standard, I'll definitely check it out.
  16. Taho


    That may only go for Adventures that have dropped out of Standard.
  17. Taho


    Why couldn't I have had the 5 brawl quest last week instead of this week. /salty This brawl sucks. Get a deck related to the old gods, but you have no clue what's in it. Played 1 with druid. Got standard cthun buffing cards, but not a single card for draw. No nourish, no azure drakes...
  18. Taho

    Elder Scrolls - Legends (Card Game)

    To comment on your coin point... HS gives you the coin plus an extra card, not just the coin. That being said, so far I also prefer going second with the mana elixer. It helps you curve out much smoother if you don't draw the perfect starting hand. Also, in Versus, it's always 2 lanes... one...
  19. Taho

    Elder Scrolls - Legends (Card Game)

    From what I've read, barring anything unforeseen, there are no more wipes.
  20. Taho

    Elder Scrolls - Legends (Card Game)

    I downloaded today and messed around some. Seems fairly interesting. I've never played MtG, but people say it's a cross between HS and MtG. There is definitely alot taken from HS such as card rarity, the way you open packs, the Arena set up and rewards, the gold cost of packs, etc. Deck size...
  21. Taho


    Good tip on the match up, but man, you are the master of complimenting yourself.
  22. Taho


    That was my experience too at ranks 7-10 before the reset and now continuing after the reset. Can't decide on the final few cards. Really want to run Soul of the Forest, but have difficulty fitting it in.
  23. Taho


    There is no way token Druid is favored against the hybrid/mid hunter lists out there now. Yes, you can obviously win with strong starts, but it's definitely less than 50%.
  24. Taho


    Do you guys agree with Tempostorm that Token Druid is a T1 deck in the current meta? I personally don't see it. It loses to Zoo, Tempo Dragon War, and Hunter. The three of which are all over the ladder. Correct me if I'm wrong please. I know people have had success climbing with it, but...
  25. Taho


    Battle.Net down for anyone else? I can't even load the webpage.
  26. Taho


    6 games to get 1 win and my pack. No way am I sticking around for the quest.
  27. Taho


    This is the worst fucking brawl to have the win 5 quest. FML. I may reroll it... this is brutal.
  28. Taho


    It's funny (well, not really)... I went 4-1 with it last night and thought this is great. Then proceeded to go 1-4 with it this morning. All at ranks 9 ad 10.
  29. Taho


    Should have said congrats before. That 77% winrate is ridiculous. Most impressive. I probably helped you on your way as I was getting my Warrior to 500 :P
  30. Taho


    What about a Hunter's Mark for the abusive?
  31. Taho


    What does Crusher mean? Why is that deck type referred to as that? Just curious...
  32. Taho


    There apparently was a bug with Tavern Brawl and they have reverted it to an old one.
  33. Taho


    I enjoy the deck building aspect.
  34. Taho


    This might be my favorite Brawl yet. Got first win with deathrattle pally. It seems interesting enough that I'll probably make a deck for each of the 4 themes.
  35. Taho


    Love this game.
  36. Taho


    Using Wild Pyros, with AoP's and Commanding Shout seems to be the key. You can clear boards and draw cards at the same time.
  37. Taho


    It's Worgen, charge, some buffs that dmg it and increase its attack to give it windfury plus faceless. My last game, the Worgen was 13 attack with windfury and charge, then faceless manip.
  38. Taho


    Warrior OTK is all over. Just got hit for 52 damage on one turn from an empty board and through a chillmaw! I've ran into it 4 times today now. Think I've only won one of them
  39. Taho


    Anyone else having trouble getting the latest patches downloaded on their Android tablet or mobile? My tablet is downloading the patch for like the 3rd or 4th time. E: Finally worked. Not sure what the issue was.
  40. Taho


    Yeah, I've seen this yesterday and today.