

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This might be my favorite Brawl yet. Got first win with deathrattle pally. It seems interesting enough that I'll probably make a deck for each of the 4 themes.
Play against deathrattle face hunter a few times, you'll probably be over it!


Golden Squire
worst brawl too as every turn takes forever.

Man of all the biggest sleepers this expansion yogg has to be #1. Thoroughly ridiculed when it was released. Absolutely wins you games you have no business winning. Or you know, kills you.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Man of all the biggest sleepers this expansion yogg has to be #1. Thoroughly ridiculed when it was released. Absolutely wins you games you have no business winning. Or you know, kills you.
I don't think enough people knew how it would work early and the early vids of it killing people turned a lot of people off. It's almost always a benefit in some way or another. Most of the people who die to it were already pretty much dead and just hoping it would bring them back. Amazing card.

Won my brawl and got Onyxia. First damn decent legend in a while. Last 3 were 2 Dark Nats, and Boogey. Still want Cenarius, both Deathwings, and Soggoth(in that order) before next expansion.


<Bronze Donator>
I was just going over my collection and what cards I wanted. I agree with your first three, but I haven't seen Soggoth used anywhere. What lists are using him?


Molten Core Raider
Tempo mage and Yogg Druid, both are the best decks in their classes. Yogg is great but you really only use him when you are behind as you hit board clears too often with a high spell count. So he's like Deathwing in that regard, except Yogg usually nets you some extra cards as well so is better for eventually winning a game instead of going all-in on a 12/12 with Deathwing.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I was just going over my collection and what cards I wanted. I agree with your first three, but I haven't seen Soggoth used anywhere.What lists are using him?
None that I know of. I want to put together a fun Y'Shaarj druid deck and would like to use Soggy, experiment a little in some other decks. The other 3 would be really useful in several decks but Soggoth is just for fun.


Poet Warrior


Molten Core Raider
I was just going over my collection and what cards I wanted. I agree with your first three, but I haven't seen Soggoth used anywhere. What lists are using him?
Soggoth was used in ramp druid there for awhile, I tried him in a lot of different control decks but Sylvannas just ruins him.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Haha, Frodan just beat StrifeCro then Ostkaka at seat story. Was pretty funny as it was a crazy Shaman deck he went 6-0 with


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Funny he played that, I've been playing a "Crusher Shaman" deck for the past week now. It's quite a bit different than Frodan's in that it has Yogg and no Bog Creepers, but .. yea.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Haha, Frodan just beat StrifeCro then Ostkaka at seat story. Was pretty funny as it was a crazy Shaman deck he went 6-0 with
I just faced that deck twice a couple hours ago. Seems fun, will have to look it up.

Edit- Made the deck and it's fun as hell! Hopefully, it will move me out of my personal and ladder morass of the past 21 days. So many troll moments and I had to change it just a bit with Sylvanas instead of 2nd elemental(don't have). I always do a Reno version of my favorite decks so that's something to work on as well.


Trakanon Raider
Yogg plays can be amazingly awesome. I just beat a Warrior with 50 health. Yogg went Consecretaion + Lightning Storm to wipe my opponents board. Then he hit my Flamewaker with Polymorph Boar, Blessing of Kings, Windfury, Beastial Wrath, Lightning Bolt and Fireball (nullifed because of Beastial Wrath). Last spell was a Counterspell so when my opponent tried to execute Super Boar it failed. My pig hit face for 40 points of damage.

Then there are the games where I play Yogg and just lose on the spot.