
Sir Funk

Lord Nagafen Raider
Haha, Frodan just beat StrifeCro then Ostkaka at seat story. Was pretty funny as it was a crazy Shaman deck he went 6-0 with
It's quite a fun deck to play! Been having a lot of fun with Shaman lately with this deck and the Shaman deck Kripp showcased recently.



Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Here's the deck I've been running for the past week or so with a couple changes after seeing the "BogChamp" deck from Seatstory:


Had 2x Flamewreathed, removed 1 for Bog Creeper
Had Yogg, removed for Faceless Manipulator

Rest has been pretty much set. Think I saw Thisj run a deck similar to this which inspired me.

N'Zoth is a nice finisher against the harder control decks because if you play it right you could have 2-3x Sylvanas or Cairnes and now with Faceless Manip there's even more janky shit you can do.

Yogg was never really too impactful. Already a ton of removal and healing so didn't really do much and you don't spam spells with this deck as compared to Yogg Druid, so the Yoggs weren't too big. Still fun though and might assist with card draw in a pinch.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Winning a ton with the "crusher" deck I just posted above. From rank 13 and now at 4 stars into Rank 5 and only taking 2 losses on the way. Once to a lucky Yogg Mage and 2nd time to Aggro Shaman that got a god draw.

Fun deck, can beat everything, give it a try.


I've had some good success with the bogsham version. Not actually sure I'd make the trades you did though as the extra bog, stormcrack and faceless are pretty potent.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Playing some of that control shaman, wasn't too consistent with it this morning, but omg, the swings are real. Had one game that was looking grim against darkshire pally, but I had a repented sylvanas on the board and he got me to 1 hp so I guess he figured he couldn't lose and still dropped tirion. And then I top decked elemental destruction. Came across a rather huge bug as casting the destruction stole his tirion, but didn't pop the divine shield. That ended up not mattering in the end, but a turn later I ancestral spirited and faceless'ed the tirion so I had 4 tirions on board and n'zoth in hand, lol.

You know, now that I think about it, it wasn't a bug, I forgot he had selfless hero on the board too, so that triggered on the tirion and then sylvanas stole it.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Playing some of that control shaman, wasn't too consistent with it this morning, but omg, the swings are real. Had one game that was looking grim against darkshire pally, but I had a repented sylvanas on the board and he got me to 1 hp so I guess he figured he couldn't lose and still dropped tirion. And then I top decked elemental destruction. Came across a rather huge bug as casting the destruction stole his tirion, but didn't pop the divine shield. That ended up not mattering in the end, but a turn later I ancestral spirited and faceless'ed the tirion so I had 4 tirions on board and n'zoth in hand, lol.
Thats awesome. I've yet to get a juicy faceless but it has won me at least 2 games now where I faceless enemy Ragnaros. I still await the dream of faceless an Ancestral'd Earth Ele / Cairne / Sylv


Lord Nagafen Raider
HSCrusher was the creator of the original shaman list like this with ancestral spirits/earth elementals/ancestral healing. The deck has gotten refined with different and newer cards but its still called crusher shaman.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Very old shaman deck was named "Crusher" made by some streamer/pro at the time because it had the Ancestral+Earth Ele combos. Also had Acestral healing and Injured Blademasters. I guess because it implies big "crushing" damage? idk. At the time it was more difficult to get 7 attack minions for less than 8 mana except Molten in handlock.

edit: Beaten! I didn't know the guy's name was crusher, makes more sense


Molten Core Raider
That old crusher deck also employed that "destroy a minion and bring it back to life" spell. There were some Kel'Thuzad shenanigans incorporated too, I believe.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Anybody looking to hit legend right now I hit it with kolentos midrange hunter , it was probably my easiest legend since Force + Savage druid was around.

Mulligans are pretty simple, keep 1 and 2 drops as well as eagle horn and animal comp (can keep quickshot against warriors if you think they might be dragon as it handles that dumb 3-3 charge nicely). The abusive sergeant was good sometimes but i'm on the fence about it. I feel like another tracking instead of it might be better.



Lord Nagafen Raider
I think its too situational, hunters mark doesn't give you many options. You already have double deadly for heavy creatures. I was never sad to topdeck tracking near the end of the game and I could see hunters mark just rot a bunch of the times much like the abusive did for me a couple games.


Should have said congrats before. That 77% winrate is ridiculous. Most impressive. I probably helped you on your way as I was getting my Warrior to 500 :p


Molten Core Raider
Anybody looking to hit legend right now I hit it with kolentos midrange hunter , it was probably my easiest legend since Force + Savage druid was around.

Mulligans are pretty simple, keep 1 and 2 drops as well as eagle horn and animal comp (can keep quickshot against warriors if you think they might be dragon as it handles that dumb 3-3 charge nicely). The abusive sergeant was good sometimes but i'm on the fence about it. I feel like another tracking instead of it might be better.



Mr. Poopybutthole
Anybody looking to hit legend right now I hit it with kolentos midrange hunter , it was probably my easiest legend since Force + Savage druid was around.

Mulligans are pretty simple, keep 1 and 2 drops as well as eagle horn and animal comp (can keep quickshot against warriors if you think they might be dragon as it handles that dumb 3-3 charge nicely). The abusive sergeant was good sometimes but i'm on the fence about it. I feel like another tracking instead of it might be better.

Meh, maybe I'm having a bad morning, but I went 2-3 with this deck at rank 15 then switched back to token yogg.


It's funny (well, not really)... I went 4-1 with it last night and thought this is great. Then proceeded to go 1-4 with it this morning. All at ranks 9 ad 10.