If these kids are sent to juvenile detention for the next 6 years, they will come out as the most incredibly disturbed and dangerous individuals you could hope to meet. Juvenile centers are no picnic and the correction system's prolific use of solitary confinement on children, which is classified as torture (thanks NPR!), will completely shatter any hope of rehabilitation these children had. So if they are sent away to such a facility it should be as a permanent solution.
Not all juvenile detention programs are like mini prisons however, and some are actually trying to integrate the kids into the communities they will be housed in. If they wind up in one of these programs, then there is a very real chance they might reach a stable enough state to return to society.
Punitive isolation and confinement really creates more problems than it solvesIFyou ever intend on releasing the prisoner. If you don't, fine keep them restrained and sedated 90% of the time, it matters little except for budgetary reasons.
So yeah we should have two versions of prison. On the one hand you get supermax and on the other you get a work farm, with counselling, vocational training resources, and community integration if possible. If you send anyone to a lockdown facility, it really should be for life or not at all.