2023-2024 NFL Season : Arizona's QB Search Continues


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
His dad was a fucking maniac after he came home from the pacific. This isnt uncommon in boomers, they were all raised by WW2 vets with PTSD and no one knew what that was back then . Grandpa never said a word to us about the war, just that he joined and shipped out after the war started and was in Okinawa at the end. Drank a bottle of Jim beam a day until he died in 2013. I got married 5 miles from his house and he didnt come. He never said a word to me directly until the last time I saw him when he asked my dad for all his grandkids to visit him just before he died. And that day all we did was drink beer in his breezeway and make small talk about the weather. He did have my boot camp picture in his den, the only picture of any of his 11 grandkids. Those old fucks raised an entitled generation of emotionally stunted hippie losers like my dad.

Despite all that, I still blame the Bills for my own mental health issues above all else. Thats how fucking shitty it is to root for this demon franchise LOL

My granddad was never totally normal after the war, but he got a benign brain tumor in my earliest years that completely changed his brain. I never got to meet the 'normal' version of him that functioned well in human society. He had to retire and only his 30 years of being a conductor for Norfolk Southern ensured that him and my grandmother lived well for the rest of their days. I still think he was awesome and was the strongest rights person I've known. Our local police mostly ignored him, and he open carried everywhere his entire life. He owned more guns than any other human I've ever met which including his BAR from WW2 and a Luger he took from a dead German. Those men were forced into hell, and it damaged them badly, but no one today has half the courage and endurance they did.

I feel for you but as a Dolphins fan, I hope they torture you for at least another 30 years. Apologies :)
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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Oh yeah let’s not forget watching my Dad cry when his childhood hero was on trial for murdering his wife and a waiter

Still 2000 yards in 14 games I mean come on
That's worth a cheating bitch, I mean come on.
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That's worth a cheating bitch, I mean come on.

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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>

Only the strongest fans could watch this video in its entirety. Who's up for the challenge?!


Which way, western man?
<Gold Donor>
Well Jason Stidham is 6'3", so he can atleast see the entire playing field and won't always need to roll out to see what's going on.

Russell is only 5'11".
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Trakanon Raider
And the fact that the Saints are not in the hunt with the easiest schedule supports he’s a decent coach.

Also supports Dennis Allen is a D coordinator and not a coach


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Except, the saints are in the hunt because they're in the worst division in the NFL.
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Ssraeszha Raider
Saints and Broncos both have identical records and are both 1 game back from 7th seed and if Saints win 1 more game they'll both have improved over last year.

Not sure why you guys think any of that proves anything
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