Assuming we're talking about pre-conviction and not the horrible state of the prisons, what is wrong with the US justice system?
It's an overworked assembly line where people are bullied into plea agreements. It's not so much the "system" as it is the ridiculous workload we expect of it is creating severe fractures in it.
Strongly agree, executing people based on flimsy trials, rejecting any attempt at overturning later, is a much better justice system.
What? The U.S. appeals process is pretty exhaustive. I think you're forming your entire opinion based upon Innocence Project cases--which yes, are extreme failures of our justice system (And as most people said, we do have extreme failures.) However, there IS a lengthy appeals process for those found guilty (The state does not get to appeal innocence, though). Also, there is Habeus Corupus which can be used to even examine new evidence if it's exculpatory. Yes, this doesn't always work; but it is there. The fact is, on paper, the U.S. system is heavily weighted toward the citizen going free. However, yeah, a lot of people go to jail.....but that's not the system.
The problems in the system are a byproduct of work load. Since the adversarial system takes a LONG time, and the U.S. has some draconian laws, a lot of problems are cropping up from the courts having many times the work load they were intended to have. This pushes every actor in the court toward forcing plea deals and expedient ends to trials. But that's a break down in our adversarial system; the close, tight knit work group among the court actors is not how it's "supposed" to be. Italy though uses an inquisitorial system--where the judge is an active part of the investigation. It brings whole new levels of incestuous relationships among the police and judiciary. It's like the problems in the U.S. but on steroids; because what we see as problems with the system--the Italians see as things working correctly.
It's a shit system. Supposedly France uses one to some decent outcome, though I'm not sure how (Because it seems like it would be very difficult). But in Italy it really does seem beyond fucked. If you're at all critical of the failings in the U.S. system, it' seems absolutely absurd that you'd defend the Italian system.
In addition to that, she tried to blame this entirely on Patrick Lumumba as well, which has been proven to be false.
Please, enlighten us on your revelations.