Buzzfeed Editor
According to a Gallup poll from 2011, 83% of people in the US supportabortionin cases where a woman's life is in danger and 75% in cases of rape or incest. I realize that you have the fringe who are pushing for banningabortionin all cases, but the people on a whole do not support that. I was referencing the people, not so much the public advocates we see like Akin who say stupid shit to appeal to the fringe.The anti-abortion tide is this country has proven not to be about stopping women who don't want to give up partying, it's about ending all abortions including those one women who's life are threatened and those victimized by rape. You've attributed the sentiments felt by most pro-choice advocates to those of pro-life.
It's an understandable mistake though, considering the tone of this board. You have plenty of people here arguing that abortions are a great thing, which is probably how you ended up arguing this position in the first place. Outside in the real world, the goalposts (as we like to say) are much further shifted.
At the end of the day all I am really arguing is thatabortionis NOT awesome. It is actually a pretty terrible and ugly thing. But access to it is of utmost importance to our society. This got off the tracks into moral relativism when some guy was arguing thatabortionitself was a moral act, which caused my head to explode.