His wallet, his choice.
Unwanted pregnancies happen. Sometimes it is a man's fault, sometimes it is a woman's, but most of the time it is the fault of both. Either of the two can make decisions and choices that lead, or don't lead, to a pregnancy. The mutuality in choices end here.
Before the child is even considered a child the woman has the option of aborting the pregnancy. The most common reason forabortionis because the woman is not ready/doesn't want to be a mother. She either doesn't want or isn't ready for the financial and emotional responsibilities of being a parent. Lucky for her, she doesn't have to. This is completely her choice and I feel it should be. It is her body after all. If she doesn't want to have anabortionfor whatever reason and still doesn't want/isn't ready to be a parent, she can either leave the child up for adoption or abandon it, legally. Responsibility gone and all is right with the world, right?Well if you are a woman, yes.
Men, on the other hand, have two options; give the mother of their child money or go to jail. Doesn't seem fair, does it? Well if you aren't a feminist then no it doesn't seem fair. Here is how it can be fair? If an unwanted pregnancy occurs and the woman actually decides to tell the guy instead of tracking him down and showing up at his doorstep however many years later demanding money, the man should be given a choice similar to that of the woman. He should be able to relinquish all of his parental and financial responsibilities before the child is born. Before the child is considered a child.
Take note that I am not talking about opting out of taking care of kids that have already been born after a divorce. Simply put, just like the woman has the choice of relinquishing her parental and financial responsibilities before and after the child is born, the man is given the option to relinquish his responsibilities before the child is born.
Now if you can hear some squawking and screeching from the house next door that's probably because a feminist is your next door neighbor and she/he just read the last few sentences of this article. According to them, a man being given the choice to opt out of any financial responsibilities to a child before it is born is selfish and irresponsible, but a woman doing the same thing withabortionis the most holy of freedoms.
Oh and don't forget women can and do relinquish their responsibilities after the child is born as well. Just put some ear muffs on or crank up the music, I know all too well how annoying feminist screeching can be.