About fohguild.org and Requiem

Aychamo BanBan

Is this referring to FoH? Seems like he'll have to remove that from his resume pretty soon...
60,000 members*

*14,000 of which are humans


Despite that, it's wholly dishonest for him to claim foh. Not one person is there for Req. He isn't any sort of interesting personality. He's a fat wall with nothing to contribute. He just happens to host the website. We mostly all ended up at foh bc of Furor's rants and bc of reading the front pages etc and seeing what the top guild in a video game was doing. And we all stuck around for the community. (I could care less about eq or wow. I don't know anything about them. The only games I own are solitaire.) Req had little to do if anything for the success of foh. He's just a fuck capitalizing on others work.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Is this referring to FoH? Seems like he'll have to remove that from his resume pretty soon...
I believe that one of the former admins, Tyen, stated that either November or October they had 12,000 unique visits. That is rather terrible compared to what they were at before. You can prune about 2k from bots both legitimate and more malicous ones. The rest are probably PGT thread visits from google. They still get a good amount of that now I bet but it's going to die over time. I don't see any ad's on the site so they probably don't give a shit but they are missing out on a good opportunity. Could have used the site for so much, including cross-marketing with MMO companies, and getting sponsored instead of running networked banner ads.

Either way, it looks like FOH at this point a little over 31K members total in it's database with all the duplicates, lurkers, bots, mangina's, etc. That 60K number is just more of their juvenile biographic enhancement. I remember being amazed when we had 500+ active members logged in at the same time, but 60k is ridiculous.


Elisha Dushku
I'm just looking forward to moving past this whole fucking mess tbh.
This. Water. Bridge. Under.

The only thing that really matters is whether Draegan and Tuco can figure out how to host PGT along with the BBS, and if so - what's it going to cost us.


Molten Core Raider
I'm just looking forward to moving past this whole fucking mess tbh. Like the drama was fun at times but seriously fucking taxing.
Then a few hours later you logged into FoH

I'd be mad too if my aborted pregnancy left the horrific skin condition behind for me to deal with on top of being a grease factory but took away my c cups and restored em back to the b's they once were.

Come on over and play trex.

Too scared that in a forum where you aren't blowing the boss that karma might come back to bite you in the ass?

Doors open sweetie. We will understand though if you're too chickenshit to come. Its nice though to know that you're still so jealous of a fat girl on the internet that you keep bringing me up. I'm totes flattered.
Which is it?
I'm all for trashing that cunt, but it sounds like you might also be in that catagory acting so much bigger than it all.




Mr. Poopybutthole
Well, Etoille is a catty bitch who can't let anything go, so clearly she should be exempt from the things she says people should do.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I believe that one of the former admins, Tyen, stated that either November or October they had 12,000 unique visits. That is rather terrible compared to what they were at before. You can prune about 2k from bots both legitimate and more malicous ones. The rest are probably PGT thread visits from google. They still get a good amount of that now I bet but it's going to die over time. I don't see any ad's on the site so they probably don't give a shit but they are missing out on a good opportunity. Could have used the site for so much, including cross-marketing with MMO companies, and getting sponsored instead of running networked banner ads.

Either way, it looks like FOH at this point a little over 31K members total in it's database with all the duplicates, lurkers, bots, mangina's, etc. That 60K number is just more of their juvenile biographic enhancement. I remember being amazed when we had 500+ active members logged in at the same time, but 60k is ridiculous.
Search on users in the bot user group in foh:

Showing Users 1 to 50 of 156929
Then a few hours later you logged into FoH

Which is it?
I'm all for trashing that cunt, but it sounds like you might also be in that catagory acting so much bigger than it all.
Didn't you get the memo?

I *am* BIGGER than it all.

What is there to explain? The drama was and continues to be fun at times. And I don't think it was a couple of hours btw - not that that matters. I probably should have clarified my initial statement better. I'm all for this place being settled down and continuing to stir up shit over there. That's what I meant by moving past this mess. Like do we need 7000 threads here talking about how much fohguild.org sucks? Probably not. Doesnt mean we cant go back and stir the pot.

Those fuckers are fair game on their own turf as far as I'm concerned. (They're obviously not coming over here any time soon). They were the ones that said they didn't care if it was a shithole. They certainly won't care if people contribute to the stink (especially when the users here have a nice place to hangout otherwise and a convenient dumping ground for the garbage).

Hope that clears things up/explains things.

@earthfell - you've got me confused with t-rex. I'm the brachiosaur.




Didn't you get the memo?

I *am* BIGGER than it all.

What is there to explain? The drama was and continues to be fun at times. And I don't think it was a couple of hours btw - not that that matters. I probably should have clarified my initial statement better. I'm all for this place being settled down and continuing to stir up shit over there. That's what I meant by moving past this mess. Like do we need 7000 threads here talking about how much fohguild.org sucks? Probably not. Doesnt mean we cant go back and stir the pot.

Those fuckers are fair game on their own turf as far as I'm concerned. (They're obviously not coming over here any time soon). They were the ones that said they didn't care if it was a shithole. They certainly won't care if people contribute to the stink (especially when the users here have a nice place to hangout otherwise and a convenient dumping ground for the garbage).

Hope that clears things up/explains things.

@earthfell - you've got me confused with t-rex. I'm the brachiosaur.
You make me so hot.


Musty Nester
What we need is a thread where etoille and trex just go at each other. Just the two of them fucking ripping into each other.

There should also be jello.


Molten Core Raider
I'd pay for them to meet face to face. Though knowing women they'd probably end up bff's and buying shoes an hour later saying "fuck those guys."
What we need is a thread where etoille and trex just go at each other. Just the two of them fucking ripping into each other.

There should also be jello.
You must have missed like the 10 of them she and or Tyen started :p. She can't let it go. Its sad but fun to play with on occasion. I didn't even respond in half of the poll threads she started.


Mr. Poopybutthole
So she successfully trolled you 50% of the time.

Yeah, you're definitely above all this.


This is such bullshit. You're so desperate for attention that you're now claiming to be an aspie? GTFO you fat sack of shit.
I see a lot of folks always jumping on Camerous and most of the time it's a bunch of the same people over and over again. You all act like rabid dogs. I am genially intrigued by it because most of his posts are generally no worse or better than the few hundreds of posts before and after, but it seems people, like yourself, always signal him out. Also, where is he looking for attention at? Looks like he was just posting his opinion like you do all the time. Just trying to understand this dynamic and why you feel the need to attack him when nothing he said was attacking anyone nor derogatory towards anyone yet you automatically attack his character and insult him personally. Between the 2 posts yours is more inflammatory and pretty much worthless.