About fohguild.org and Requiem


Trakanon Raider
When you get banned, do you still have the option to donate $25 to get posting access again? I've never been banned on there, but now I can't post on my account anymore.

Wondering if maybe it was just cause of my sig quoting the 'best of' Requiem flipping out and a link to rerolled

Aychamo BanBan

When you get banned, do you still have the option to donate $25 to get posting access again? I've never been banned on there, but now I can't post on my account anymore.

Wondering if maybe it was just cause of my sig quoting the 'best of' Requiem flipping out and a link to rerolled
Haha, they're being such faggots. Must be really noticing the drop in legitimate traffic, and the complete lack of any posts. It's funny, because I never paid any attention to their numbers before, but they are all so completely ridiculous wrong. They're stupid vbexpert thing is showing like 6,000 posts per week (LOL, but only like 90 a day.) 400,000 members? There's a hundred users online now, but 60 are bots. Every website we see that's advertising their spam service makes up different numbers. Bots, spam, malware. They're fucking pure garbage. Literally. I mean, I understand everybody has to make a living, but to do it by just being pure scum is despicable.


Trakanon Raider
Is there no way to whistle blow on their bots? Like to the people paying them for advertising and or using their company. Going out and saying hey, this site you're paying X a month for because it has Y views actually has Y/10 if you count real people?


Molten Core Raider
Took a quick look over there for first time in a couple days. Out of 47 so called members presently viewing the MMO forum only 5 aren't bots.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I don't know about you but I don't care about page views or impressions I care about how many posts there are from a non-trivial number of users. I come to read and reply to shit and then get back to work, when I come to check and there's nothing to read because there's no new posts, what fucks do I give how many people viewed the already stale content?


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I don't know about you but I don't care about page views or impressions I care about how many posts there are from a non-trivial number of users. I come to read and reply to shit and then get back to work, when I come to check and there's nothing to read because there's no new posts, what fucks do I give how many people viewed the already stale content?
I would say that that is what any normal person in this community cares about. Tyen is the only one who cared about 'unique visitors' and views. What good are 20,000 people looking at the FSR/PGT when everyone stops adding posts to those threads?


Lord Nagafen Raider
They're stupid vbexpert thing is showing like 6,000 posts per week (LOL, but only like 90 a day.)
It's probably a rolling 7 day counter. Since it was 10k a couple of days ago, 6k now makes sense if the forum was getting >2k posts a day and is now down to <100.

Grayson Carlyle

Golden Squire
It's probably a rolling 7 day counter. Since it was 10k a couple of days ago, 6k now makes sense if the forum was getting >2k posts a day and is now down to <100.
If it were anything else, it would be a pointless number to show. Why would they add posts/week if it was simply posts/day * 7? Traffic changes a lot by day of the week, so posts over the last 7 days is a more telling metric.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I think FOH may have just gone down for good. Was looking at it one second, the next, poof.

Yep. Just says "Thanks folks, I'm out" now when you click the link.


French Madman
Going to the forums root, we get a plain text "Thanks folks, I'm out".


Aychamo BanBan

WOW. How fucking fortunate we could see the writing on the wall and Draegan and Tuco et al got this place set up for everyone? FOH is fucking closed. Spam & bot city gone. I guess Req really did just say "fuck it." Dang that does kind of suck that so many epic threads and pics are gone. Welcome to 2.0


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Yeah he took it down. I wonder if someone who was paying him found out about the bot shennanigans or if its just a spite move to kill all the history locked up there?


Elisha Dushku
Yeah he took it down. I wonder if someone who was paying him found out about the bot shennanigans or if its just a spite move to kill all the history locked up there?
Damn. Now we need a new EQ Shenanigans thread - that had some classic sploits.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
The board was dead, but that's still pretty sad if it's really removed for good.