About fohguild.org and Requiem


Silver Knight of the Realm
Sad day. No matter what happened in the last few months, I will still hold fond memories from FOH forums. Oh well, onward we go.

Yeah, regardless of how douche the admins were, that website was an integral part of my high school, college, and grad schools years. Pour one out, bitches.


2 Minutes Hate
The main thing here is that lurkers need to step the fuck up so we get some fresh blood. Communities need to grow to survive.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Yeah, to be a honest a bit sad to have that site go down at all. 10 years of awesome posts vanished. I would still occasionally go back to the start off the FSR (even though most posts pics wouldn't show anymore) to see what was funny, strange, or random 10 years ago and see how it changed over time. Also all the back and forth that was had with devs and other random people was nice in the mmo forum. Lot of good insight and discussions.

Well, now to rebuild it all here. Thanks all that made it happen so quickly.


Sad day. No matter what happened in the last few months, I will still hold fond memories from FOH forums. Oh well, onward we go.

I agree, FoH forums was one of the few sites I would hit up on a hourly basis; just like some games... many many hours have also been spent on those forums. Sucks to see it go, and it sucks that things couldn't have been simply handed off. FoH wasn't what it was because of Requiem; in any case, thanks to the folks for putting this site together.

Aychamo BanBan

So what are the chances of us grabbing the foh domain and redirecting here ?
I do not know what I'm talking about. But probably zero. I think certain services buy it up as soon as they expire and then based on past history they'll charge out the ass for it.


Molten Core Raider
On the other hand, I'm genuinely curious why Req would shut the boards down after making such a big to-do about updating the board software last week and bragging that Rerolled or wherever else would never have the longevity that FOH had.
Obviously because there was proof there that all the metrics they've claimed for growing sites was based on using bots. That and the fact their reputation is based on building sites metrics not nuking them from orbit by sheer strength of their personalities alone.

Now the site is down they can continue to peddle their lies and no-one can prove otherwise.


Molten Core Raider
Draegan;12143 said:
The main thing here is that lurkers need to step the fuck up so we get some fresh blood. Communities need to grow to

After lurking since noows and never bothering to even register with fohguild I may as well contribute if for no other reason than to keep swampdonkey inc. from any possible future gloating.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
After lurking since noows and never bothering to even register with fohguild I may as well contribute if for no other reason than to keep swampdonkey inc. from any possible future gloating.
He wasn't talking about you, you're the worst lurker ever. We had a poll back on FoH and it was unanimous.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on. "

-Robert Frost



One thing I think Salty might be missing though is just how small/incestuous the web business community actually is. He's poisoned his career options more than he might expect if he ever intends to work at a large company at least.

But whatever, I'm sure he'll be fine. He might get a few resumes round filed without knowing why though.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I must say it is kind of disheartening to see the FoH board come to an end. Hard to believe I lurked and posted on that board for over 10 years. I suppose this supports the Mayan calender and time is truly ending. It was nice knowing all of you and hope to see you on the flip side. Of course if time does not stop, I will lurk and post here.