Adventures with Corndog: Corndog's Fish Store


Lord Nagafen Raider
How long are you going to be gone and is the fish shop going to be closed during this time?

I realize employees creates a whole new level of busy-work in training, monitoring and dealing with payroll/taxes, but I am with Lyrical, if you have customers waiting to be helped, have work on the shop that still needs your attention and have out-of-town business to attend to, might be time to think about hiring.
I'll be out of town for 4 days. 1 of which the store would be closed anyways. The person I want to hire is also going to that show with me. But yes I realize the need for part time help at this point.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'll be out of town for 4 days. 1 of which the store would be closed anyways.

How dangerous it is to open a new store and shut it down for a half a week. Why not just get a gun and go play Russian roulette?

Someone has got to be minding the store at all times. If you are trying to cater to higher income people, you need to learn this now, they want you available at all times. Hell, income aside, if I pull up to your store and it's shutdown for four days, and you just opened, that's not good.

The whole point of retailing is that you have to be open all the damn time.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah I realize that closing for 4 days is not in any way optimal. However some major construction will be done at that time as well. The other stands that need to be put need to be anchored to the concrete floor, and each one is bullseye leveled. This process took 3 days last time.

Most of the steps in putting up the stand can't be done with the public around. Too many bolts are ground down, .22 rounds are used to achor to the floor etc. I could spread the job over 1 my closed day and it'd like take 6 weeks to get the same rack built as at the end of each day, the store would have to be in show room quality again.


Mr. Poopybutthole
OK, that makes more sense. I was thinking you are taking vacation already, and shutting down. Someone's got to answer the phone at all times.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Make sure you put a fucking sign up now stating when you're going to be closed for improvements, or you're gonna have a ton of people who stop by when you're closed and get pissed off that you're not open.

I certainly wouldn't bother with a bullshit mom n pop store who was just closed for half a week right after it opened with no notice. If I drive 20 minutes to your store and you're closed, I ain't coming back.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Make sure you put a fucking sign up now stating when you're going to be closed for improvements, or you're gonna have a ton of people who stop by when you're closed and get pissed off that you're not open.

I certainly wouldn't bother with a bullshit mom n pop store who was just closed for half a week right after it opened with no notice. If I drive 20 minutes to your store and you're closed, I ain't coming back.
And those customers that have been showing up all the time, I'd definitely call them.


Lord Nagafen Raider
On Tuesday I got insurance for the business. $572 a year.

Yesterday's sales were $588.

Talked to a guy who I wanted to be my first employee. Looks like he'll start next week Fri/Sat for a couple days a week at this point.

Meeting with a CPA for taxes/payroll questions etc today. I'm the classic bag full of receipts guy at this point.


Mr. Poopybutthole
On Tuesday I got insurance for the business. $572 a year.

Yesterday's sales were $588.

Talked to a guy who I wanted to be my first employee. Looks like he'll start next week Fri/Sat for a couple days a week at this point.

Meeting with a CPA for taxes/payroll questions etc today. I'm the classic bag full of receipts guy at this point.
Have him set you up in Quickbooks, and you'll only need him at the end of the year. QB will handle your bookkeeping and payroll. Hell, payroll only takes us ten minutes, and that's because we have employees living in two states (we are right on the border and do work in both states). It's even quicker if you are in one state.

Don't let him sell you a bunch of service at $500-600 per quarter, when QB will do it for you in five minutes. Trust me on this.


Keep us updated Corndog. I've really like reading through this thread even though I typically have less than 0 interest in business. Something about you being an expert in fish prior to this, as if the product in your store is you and your knowledge moreso than the fish products. Regardless, it's really interesting, so please keep it up.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Friday Sales: $344
Today: $1112.60 - First day to break 1k.
And now the trick is to find ways to grow the business to where you are doing 1k a day. Because with your margins, if you aren't doing $500 a day, you don't need another employee.

As I said before, if you are getting business off of CL, imagine what you'd get by having a focused Internet strategy. I've found that CL people are the lowest income and most demanding customers that you can find. You say you are targeting high income people, I'd have the search engines pull your store up every time someone in your area types it in. You can always cut it on short notice, if it doesn't work.


Bronze Squire
Hey Corndog, one thing I was going to suggest to you is that you might want to be a little more discriminating when it comes to sharing sales numbers and financial information.

There is a local bar/pub that I love eating at. The guy who runs it has a background in construction, not business. Through the grape-vine I have found out exactly what his sales numbers are and a pretty good idea of his expenses, mainly because he is more than happy to share his experience and successes in starting up his business with anyone who asks. Knowing his financial information, I now know if I wanted to I could open a similar operation across the street and steal enough market-share from him to put him out of business probably within a year. If it wasn't for the fact that I am not interested in running a bar (and have funds earmarked for possible other projects) I might have considered doing it, because I knew once I put him under I would be very profitable.

I know you are pretty anonymous on the internet and what-not, but when it comes to sharing financial info for your business, better safe than sorry. Please continue to keep us updated, but you might want to sanitize the info you are sharing a bit more.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I know you are pretty anonymous on the internet and what-not, but when it comes to sharing financial info for your business, better safe than sorry. Please continue to keep us updated, but you might want to sanitize the info you are sharing a bit more.
I think he's been careful enough, I don't see enough info here to figure out where he is.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Keep us updated Corndog. I've really like reading through this thread even though I typically have less than 0 interest in business. Something about you being an expert in fish prior to this, as if the product in your store is you and your knowledge moreso than the fish products. Regardless, it's really interesting, so please keep it up.
I'd like to echo this statement. This is definitely one of my favorite threads to read on RR, along with Lyrical's. I love reading about the thought process that goes into a business owner's decision making. Keep up the good work!