Albion Online


Vyemm Raider
Am T4 now and looking for a guild if anyone is playing. Figure I have a better shot of not landing a guild of windowlickers by looking here. Intend to be pretty casual, but want to experience some pvp.

Flobee in game


Trump's Staff
Anyone have some good youtubes that showcase the game well? im guessing it's a pvp focused ala DAoC?


Vyemm Raider
Its more along the lines of UO/Darkfall in my experience. Heavily pvp focused, full pvp loot if the red/black (high end) zones. Lots of gathering and crafting etc, very similar to Darkfall tbh with MOBA-esque combat.

Game is pretty slow paced but I feel like it has good potential if you like this type of game.

Haven't seen many good youtube resources but this is a good streamer I've enjoyed:

And this is a really useful gear spreadsheet. Your class is based off the gear you are wearing so this is essentially all the skills in the game: Armor & Weapon Skills


Ancient MMO noob
I am 80% sure picking this up for the summer launch, it seems like a UO/Dragonraja style which I don't mind at all.

Is there a RR/FOH guild?


Trakanon Raider
I keep wanting to buy in to this but I know with Agnarr and the next Overwatch season landing right at the same time that I'm not sure if it's good enough to bump into gaming time. It looks really interesting and a great concept but just doesn't seem to capture a large portion of the gaming audience... not even much of RR/FOH.


Potato del Grande
I started playing today since I got mad at league of legends. Seems decent so far, will have to see if it holds up as I continue to progress tho. Newbie times are usually never bad/boring. Was using novice fire staff for a bit and made journeyman mystic staff (not a huge fan of it so far for solo, dps is meh but i'm basically unkillable with the shield).


what Suineg set it to
This is Eve with swords? Is it spreadsheet simulator bullshit then? I like Eve except the logistics part makes me quit every time because after I do the few cool new things the entire game is grind isk to buy copies of ships you will lose.
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Vyemm Raider
It is Eve with swords having a baby with Darkfall. In fact, its closer to DF or UO than Eve. Either way I'm pretty high on this game atm. The MOBA based combat is simple but fun and the gear/skill option are pretty good. I'm still playing solo atm, getting all weapon/armor skills to T4 so I can try out the different playstyles.

I was never a big sandbox player so someone that was would likely be able to make a better comparison. Small man pvp looks fun and there are tons of zerg vs zerg fights on reddit that look fun too.
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Vyemm Raider
I was never a big sandbox player so someone that was would likely be able to make a better comparison.
Comparing this game to something like (old) UO is just insulting to the latter.

Sandbox games have non-linear content and the tools to engage with it. AO is more like a scoopless litter box that lacks even a solitary cat turd as point of interest.

What little content it does have is bland and homogenized with progression so rigidly gated they must've designed it with a system of waterway locks in mind.

Is it spreadsheet simulator bullshit then?
No, it's so simplistic you'd barely need a post-it note, let alone a spreadsheet.

It's just a half-assed mobile game masquerading as an MMO.


Vyemm Raider
A lot of the concepts used in this game are similar to UO. I can't speak to the quality in comparison since I did not play it. I'm not sure I understand your argument however. You said a bunch of negative shit with no substance, much like your claims about the game.

That being said the game is most certainly linear, I just don't know if that is a bad thing. Linear in the sense of tier 3 is better than tier 2 etc, but not really linear in playstyle or requirements for progression because in that regard there is quite a bit of flexibility.

I'm not saying that the game is good, or even not fucking terrible, but I'm enjoying it for what it is thus far.


Trakanon Raider
Comparing this game to something like (old) UO is just insulting to the latter.

Sandbox games have non-linear content and the tools to engage with it. AO is more like a scoopless litter box that lacks even a solitary cat turd as point of interest.

What little content it does have is bland and homogenized with progression so rigidly gated they must've designed it with a system of waterway locks in mind.

No, it's so simplistic you'd barely need a post-it note, let alone a spreadsheet.

It's just a half-assed mobile game masquerading as an MMO.

wow... did this game hurt you in some way? Tell us how you really feel...

Seriously though, I hear this game is pretty simple but i'm not so sure that's a bad thing. I would like to hear some elaboration on this game's simplicity. I think modern MMO's have overcomplicated things unnecessarily.


Potato del Grande
I dunno, it seems fairly similar to any other mmos as far as complexity/simplicity. Not really sure what you mean by modern mmo's "overcomplicating" things since none of the ones i've played have seemed that way.


Trakanon Raider
I dunno, it seems fairly similar to any other mmos as far as complexity/simplicity. Not really sure what you mean by modern mmo's "overcomplicating" things since none of the ones i've played have seemed that way.

I guess i'm thinking more of character development and advancement. I miss the days where you essentially leveled up, which opened new spells, and you fought for opportunities for better gear.

Now, it's you get X currency from Dungeon X,Y,Z, to buy a mat, that you combine with 4 other pieces, but then you have to get sockets/augments, that only drop from these dungeons, but only after you clear the map, complete the quests of 7 islands, but don't forget you have to complete the storyline quest first, and that will get you geared... but wait there's more! You have to spend skill points in PvE, PvP, Tradeskills, switch gear for each of the disciplines to effectively gain skill/levels at the quickest rate possible, research spells, raid to get certain spells, then complete a max level skill/AA tree that is directly associated with your epic weapon that is completely separate from you other skill trees and each of those points cost incrementally more... no exponentially more so you max your weapon out to increase your item level so you can go to certain tier raids which take you back to the opportunity to get the best gear, augments, sockets, mats, etc.

lol... those are complete exaggerations and combining several games but that's how I feel sometimes.

It's kind of like movies... sometimes I just want to shut my brain off and enjoy and then other times I want a deep storyline, with complex characters. Right now, when it comes to a MMO, just tell me where my armor piece drops and i'll hang out with my friends at a camp spot and kill it until it drops. I'm sure i'm in the minority though in that regards.


Vyemm Raider
lol... those are complete exaggerations and combining several games but that's how I feel sometimes.
What you've just described is what Albion lacks; the problem is that Albion doesn't offer anything different to make up for it.

It's still the same tired premise of the typical MMO but with none of the frills that aid the illusion that what you're doing has any value. Your hypothetical armor doesn't drop anywhere because in this clockwork universe everything is crafted from the same homogeneous materials harvested from homogeneously distributed resource nodes in the same clonestamped zones populated by one type of mobs all having the exact same stats and dropping the same amount of coin.

Albion is nothing more than a collection of ideas/mechanics cribbed from other games, taken at face value and assembled piecemeal like some Frankenstein's monster but lacking the spark that transforms it into more than just a soulless husk.

I'm not exaggerating. Maybe I just haven't played enough shitty MMOs, but this is the first I've quit due to the unavoidable realization that I was just wasting my time.

This game strikes me pretty much exactly like what a modern UO would be.
Modern UO is really fucking bad so you're actually right about something for once.