This is good news for competitors who don't follow that business model.Is it that?
I figure that the non-creatives have always been the ones with the money. The problem these days is that they only want to make movies that give them giant profits and they demand that they spend at least as much marketing the movie as it takes to make it. Can you imagine how stupid that is for a non-blockbuster?
In any case, they refuse to take any kind of risks at all. They want guaranteed profit so they stick to making boring, generic shit and wondering why people increasingly stay away from the theaters.
If you're interested in the history behind Alien 3, I highly recommend this video, it's quite enlightening.
tldr: writing a coherent script is somehow biblical now, werds r hardBoth Prometheus and Covenant are what's wrong with Hollywood nowadays: top notch director, A-listers, behemot budget, sky's the limit and result is genuinely bad. Both of them are watchable, but Prometheus had too many plotholes, bad writing and "characters being top tier specialists doing stupid shit" stuff for the sake of the plot to be really enjoyable. As for Covenant, it features the same mistakes but it feels less awful because well, there were much less expectations after Prometheus.
Nu-llywood studio execs have this "fan service" vision where they think people would enjoy anything if there's an "Origins" story going. It's not a bad vision, but for Alien their "Let's explain stuff instead of telling a good story" take is in my opinion flawed. It just doesn't work, fans are disappointed and newcomers don't care about what they're being told. Studio execs doing bad choices after poor market research, meddling with creative ideas, God-like personalities developing their bad ideas without anyone telling them otherwise, that's the very recipe of alot of box office bombs out there.
And as a fan, what didn't work for me with both Prometheus and Covenant is they're not dying because they're trapped with a mysterious, unstoppable monster, they're dying because they're acting like tourists walking on turtles or feeding the llamas. There's no danger, they're the danger.
Yeah I dunno why anyone would look forward to this at all. Aside from the absolute stupidity of setting it on Earth before Alien which just further shits on what Alien, Aliens and Alien 3 all established lore wise, theyve said before this is gonna be some mega pozd up sjw shitfest. From 7 months ago;
Noah Hawley Claims The Upcoming Alien TV Series Is A "Story About Inequality"
The creator of the upcoming Alien TV series from FX and Disney, Noah Hawley, recently provided some details about
Alien was a fucking slasher movie that simply had a sci back drop. It was no deeper or thought provoking than Jason or Freddy. The absolutely iconic creature design was what made Alien(and overall well presented sci fi setting).“Those are great monster movies, but they’re not just monster movies. They’re about humanity trapped between our primordial, parasitic past and our artificial intelligence future—and they’re both trying to kill us. Here you have human beings and they can’t go forward and they can’t go back. So I find that really interesting.”
What trap? It's was only a slasher in space, using the fear of the unknown as a backdrop.The fucking idiot is sniffing his own farts. This is a quote from him regarding the Alien movies:
“Those are great monster movies, but they’re not just monster movies. They’re about humanity trapped between our primordial, parasitic past and our artificial intelligence future—and they’re both trying to kill us. Here you have human beings and they can’t go forward and they can’t go back. So I find that really interesting.”
No, they are not. They are about the horror of realizing that the alien life forms are not little grey men that want to share technology; they are Darwin's wettest dream come to life.
They already had the black lesbian part!you guys aren't woke enough, i for one look forward to the scene where a xenomorph backs away from a proud black lesbian and attacks a white incel while we see in its thought bubble "I must address systemic, institutional racism to give humanity a chance"
then a latinX non binary xer tells the alien that he is part of the patriarchy so the alien explodes
they are Darwin's wettest dream come to life.
If they're going to do an Alien TV series, they should do the Earth War.“Alien takes place before Ripley,” he said. “It’s the first story in the Alien franchise that takes place on Earth. It takes place on our planet, near the end of this century we’re currently in — 70-odd years from now.”![]()
FX Gives New Details on ‘Alien’ TV Series, Teases “Big Surprises”
The "extension and reinvention of the franchise" won't feature any familiar characters, says FX chief John Landgraf, but will "think forward about the future of the planet in terms of the environment."
“All I can tell you is Ripley won’t be a part of it, and neither will any other characters — other than the alien itself,” he added. “Noah has an incredible ability to both find a way of being faithful and showing fidelity to an original creation, like to the Coen Brothers [with Fargo] or to Ridley Scott’s movie and James Cameron’s follow up Aliens, but also to bring something new that represents both an extension and reinvention of a franchise at the same time. He’s done a masterful job with Alien as he did with Fargo. There are some big surprises in store for the audience.”
“I hope they will feel like it’s faithful to the franchise they love but also a brave and original reinvention of that franchise,” he added. “Setting it on Earth is really interesting. We have to think forward about the future of the planet in terms of the environment, governance, technology and create and design a version of the planet in the future … Noah wants to do that in a distinctive and original way.”
im not sure how that works but ok