All Stephen King Books


Tranny Chaser
I really,reallylike IT but the thing is a headcracker. It kinda falls apart and it's weighted down by a whole mess of adolescent sex and sexual imagery. You will seriously wonder if there was/is some 12 year old redheaded girl that King wants/wanted to bang. Desperation isn't that great of a book. It's middle of the road King. It also kinda hates the audience. The Stand is the strongest of the three.

You could also just stop right there at the three you've read. End on a high point!


His single greatest work is Insomnia. Dark Tower 7 is pure shit after reading "The Waste Lands", easily the best book in the series. For short stories, "10'oclock people", hands down.

Although in Dark Tower ending when Jake says "Tell my father I love him" or Oy saying "'ake, ake'" and you aren't losing it you are a soulless piece of shit.

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
His short stories don't get much credit, but I think the shorter format serves his writing style pretty well.
A million times this. He fucking shines in short story format. Go read Gramma, The Boogyman, and 1408 and tell me that he isn't great at it.


Was Wastelands the one with Mono the train? By far my favorite part of that series.

Quick protip for you who are going to start, or are reading The Dark Tower Series. When the author of the book tells you to stop reading, like at the end of 7, FUCKING DO IT! (walks away and mumblers angerly about some fucking


Millie's Staff Member
what, no love for The Tommyknockers?
This is easily tied with two others as the best stephen king book of all time
the other 2 number ones are The Eyes of the Dragon and The Talisman. i think all 3 came out within 3 years of each other and i have read each of them over a dozen times. they all end awesomely too.

The Stand is awesome but it fell down a few pegs when King updated it and added fucking pop culture references like roger rabbit.
The Wastelands is maybe the second best stephen king book of all time and the best of the dark tower series.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I def enjoy his short stories more for the most part bros. Skeleton Crew is my favorite collection so far.


can anyone recommend the Dark Tower audiobooks on Audible? Looking for a new series to pick up on my commute...


<Silver Donator>
can anyone recommend the Dark Tower audiobooks on Audible? Looking for a new series to pick up on my commute...
They're worth it, as long as you can deal with the narrator changing a couple of times. George Guidall does the first 1st, 5th, 6th, and 7th books. He's not bad, and it worked for "The Gunslinger", where Roland is pretty much the primary character, but his voices for all of the characters in the last 3 books is a bit lacking. Frank Mueller does 2nd, 3rd, and 4th books, and the man's a badass. Unfortunately he had a motorcycle accident that left him unable to continue with his career. Think King and a good many other authors actually have a foundation for him, because he is considered one of the legends for audiobook narration. Anyways, those three books are awesome, and the problem lies that you get so used to his voices for the different characters that when you get to Wolves, you're like "what's this shit". They're still good though, and if you're looking for something on your commute, they're worth every credit. Just be warned... :p


Trakanon Raider
I thought the DT ending was great, but the path to the ending was turrible. Imagine if we got news in 14 years that the DT movies were finally here and you sat down, ready to enjoy the gunslinger intro, when Roland showed up crossing a sand dune with the horn of Eld at his side. Would fuck everything up!


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I'm currently reading 11/22/63 and it's great, but it's making me wonder, where do you think King will rank in the "great American writers" category? I don't really think he's going to be taught in lit classes like Hemingway, Steinbeck, Poe, Twain, or Faulkner, but I think he's clearly several ranks above guys like Dean Koontz or John Grisham. Anybody ever been assigned one of his books for an English class? Can you picture that happening? Personally I would at put his best stuff on par with somebody like Kurt Vonnegut or Cormac McCarthy but I don't know if all of his work rises to that level. It's kind of hard to rank him because he put out so fucking many books and some of them are more pulp but a lot of them are great.


Buzzfeed Editor
I don't think King is on the same level as Vonnegut or McCarthy. Not even close, really.

But I don't really think that is a bad thing, different authors are just different. I enjoy his books, I even return to some of them over and over again. But I've never read one of King's books on the same level as Cat's Cradle or The Road.


haven't read a lot of his newer stuff. lets see what i remember reading...
salem's lot, it, the stand, the eyes of the dragon, and of course the dark tower series, as you can guess from my foh handle. i'd have to agree with chaos. maybe further down the line after king gets older, he'll start being used by academia, but i just don't see his works as "high literature"


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I liked "Cat's Cradle" but there are several King books that I would put above it. I also thought that "Breakfast of Champions" was a self-indulgent piece of shit though, so maybe I'm not the best advocate for Vonnegut. I think that if I read "The Road" or "No Country for Old Men" and someone told me that Stephen King wrote them it wouldn't seem out of character at all.


I'll bring it up again, fuck it. Is it possible to film The Dark Tower, in its entirety? We have the potential for a series that would destroy LOTR. Hate if you want, I've read LOTR, all of it.

Dark Tower takes it out back and beats the shit out of it.


Trakanon Raider
Well, the second half of Lord of the Ring is actually half decent, while the second half of the Dark Tower is absolute shit. So I can't really agree with you there.


Well, the second half of Lord of the Ring is actually half decent, while the second half of the Dark Tower is absolute shit. So I can't really agree with you there.
Yeah, but if they make a Waste Lands movie you and me will both be throwing money at theaters.


Word, Waste Lands like a motherfucker

Gnasher looked up "You!"

"Me!", Roland agreed. He fired once and the left side of Gasher's head disintegrated.

Love that shit.


<Bronze Donator>
Any DT fans might want to check out the t-shirts being sold here:
