All things Brandon Sanderson


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah it is acted out instead of read with different actors for each character , was a little weird at first but quickly became awesome
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Toe Sucker
That sounds a lot better to me, 1 person voicing like 10+ characters is weird and unenjoyable to me when i tried an audio book.

I think i'll do either elantris or warbreaker first and then start the wax & wayne series. I need a sanderson break before that though, oathbringer was long as fuck


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Finally finished Oathbringer. I went back quite a few times during this book when I felt myself just skimming over words.

Book had a HUGE prepared. Overall I will give it an 8/10.

The most interesting character this book is Adolin. Him finally telling Shallan and his father he killed Sadeas was a load off MY mind. Him knowing what his shardblade is and treating her with such respect is awesome also. Him fighting the golem was satisfying.

The whole Shallan thing was getting weary. Yeah we get it, she has...split personalities. Exasperate that with her talking to the different aspects of herself was corny to me. ALL so that she doesn't need to face her past? BUT her making a "physical" army all by "herself" was pretty cool. Her also fighting the thing under Urithu was nice.

I hated the Teft arc. So you must be broken in some way to become a Radiant? I think that's why I didn't like it. We probably won't see a radiant Adolin. Though I suppose him with radiant powers would be a tad OP.

Why they gotta leave a brutha in damnation?

King Taravangian telling Dalinar why he betrayed the coalition was silly because all's we get out of that is "we can't trust him". Really? That's it? Storm that fuckers room.

Dalinar's story was great. Tied everything together nicely for him. Us seeing what a bondsmith can do was cool.

WTF is Odium not just roasting everyone? Why does he need everyone doing what he can pretty much do solo. I hated his interaction with the pleebs of the world. The talk with Dalinar was cool I guess. But that was about it for me with the character.

Kaladin wasn't represented well at all this book. Sanderson needs to cut the mope down to about a two at this point.

We REALLY need Wit's background at this point. H is the best written character in the whole series, and three books in we know next to nothing about him.

Jasnah...She pretty much is going to be unstoppable soon. I'm predicting they have her marry Kaladin at this point.

Will read again the end of the year...
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French Madman
I don't think we are getting Wit's background any time soon. He is one of the cornerstones of Sanderson's Cosmere and is directly linked to Adonalsium and the Shards (not Roshar's Shards, I mean the Shards of Adonalsium like Honor, Odium and so on).
The day we learn more about Wit/Hoid will probably be the day we learn more about the Shattering and it may not even be in a Stormlight Archive book.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Sanderson has said he has a hoid background book planned but it is like 10 years or more out, maybe after stormlight is done.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Last I checked plan for the whole cosmere is like 30 years long and that was before he came up with more stupid non comere shit to write.
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Dental Dammer
Is there any eta on next stormlight archive release? I cant even bring myself to read anything else after the last 3, not much compares anymore.


Golden Knight of the Realm
According to an interview late last year :
"“I finished Oathbringer in June,” he said, “so, I’m giving myself until December of next year to work on other things.” He splits his time 50/50 between the Stormlight Archives (which take about 18-20 months to write) and his other projects. "


Toe Sucker
makes me real sad i'm not gonna have the misadventures of Szeth & Lift until like 2024 :(
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Karazhan Raider
Still before next book of Game of Thrones or Kingkiller Chronicles
The last GoT book that will ever be written has already been released. I expect we’ll eventually see another kingkiller chronicle book but it will be universally criticized and it will be the last he does


Tranny Chaser
I feel our boy Sanderson has been slacking... I've gotten too accustomed to multiple releases in a given year and it seems his Apocalypse Guard novel has become whatever the novel equivalent of vaporware is; Vapor...text? *shrug*

Anywho I guess there is just Wax and Wayne 4 to look forward to this year and 2019 was already looking sparse :(
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A nice asshole.
Almost done with Mistborn series:
Third book, Vin just had her earing ripped out. Now that is good story telling, it is things like the earing the separates writers from amazing authors.
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French Madman
Almost done with Mistborn series:
Third book, Vin just had her earing ripped out. Now that is good story telling, it is things like the earing the separates writers from amazing authors.

This is amazing because even though you had all the pieces way before that to make the connection, it still came as a surprise. Looking back, when you think about it, Vin's mother killing her baby sister and then putting the bloody earring on her screamed hemalurgical spike. But once it's revealed, you start thinking about how all the choices Vin made were tainted by Ruin.
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Trakanon Raider
There are a few Wax and Wayne books that follow in the same world as Mistborn, just a couple hundred years later. I think that one is also a trilogy. I’d probably read those as you’re familiar with the world and magic.

Edit: Oops, I forgot about The Well of Ascension, which follows after the Mistborn series but is before the Wax and Wayne books. So I’d read that one next and then move on to Wax and Wayne, trilogy which starts with Mistborn: Alloy of Law.

The Stormlight Archive series only has three books and won’t be complete anytime soon, but they’re very good reads. The third one got mixed reviews but I enjoyed it. That one starts with The Way of Kings. Different planet, same universe/cosmere as the mistborn stuff (not sure if you’re familiar with cosmere).
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