All things Brandon Sanderson


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Please tell me there's no more interlude chapters featuring Lift. How the fuck did no beta readers or editors sit Sanderson down and tell him

"What the fuck are you thinking? "Used her awesomeness" ? "Made her legs awesome" ? Are you fucking stoned? It's a fucking fantasy novel, not a comic book written for 12 year olds in 1989!!!"

Holy shit that was fucking retarded and distracting. Sanderson is awesome, but his humor is pretty bad.

Except when Shallan asked Adolin about pooping in Shardplate, that was great.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Sanderson did a Q and A, where he said he was using the interludes to seed characters for later books. Lift I'm sure will factor in later books.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Loved her interacting with her spren(voidbringer!) and the character and her abilities were interesting. It was just the massive overuse of "Awesome". Any use of it in that context would have been anachronistic and taken me out of the story, 50 uses of it in 15 pages was wildly distracting. I have no idea how having your character in a fantasy novel talk like a poorly written modern day tween with a catchphrase ever makes it in to the published version.

On the whole though I'm loving the interlude chapters. Shoemaker dude legitimately bummed me out.

I love Sanderson's books in general, but holy fuck does he have some habits and foibles that drive me insane. Not sure why this stuff irks me so much with him, maybe just because everything around these things is so interesting and entertaining to me.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I suppose he could have made up some word for her say that meant awesome, like shazbot!
I remember when I was reading it, and she said awesome, I was like huh? and then moved on. I was more interested in her spren talking about Cultivation I suppose.


Silver Knight of the Realm
So I just finished Warbreaker as well. I was surprised with how much I enjoyed it. You can definitely tell it's older Sanderon and he's become a much better writer since, but I liked it overall. It's also very obvious how it was set up for a potential sequel or at least a few returning characters.

I do have a question though related to this and WoR:
I've heard some people say that the swordmaster who's name I can't remember in WoR was Vasher. What makes people say this? And how would he even have gotten there, and what happened to the princess that left with him at the end?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
So I just finished Warbreaker as well. I was surprised with how much I enjoyed it. You can definitely tell it's older Sanderon and he's become a much better writer since, but I liked it overall. It's also very obvious how it was set up for a potential sequel or at least a few returning characters.

I do have a question though related to this and WoR:
I've heard some people say that the swordmaster who's name I can't remember in WoR was Vasher. What makes people say this? And how would he even have gotten there, and what happened to the princess that left with him at the end?
Grumpy guy, scruffy beard. Has many sayings relating to color like the curse "Colorful Stormfather!". Expecting a voice in his head (Nightblood) and Nightblood happens to be in the same world? It could be someone else from Nalthis who was given or stole Nightblood, but I doubt it.

As for how he got there, he can probably world hop like Hoid.

No idea what happened to Vivenna. Who knows what the timeline is, this could be hundreds or thousands of years after the events of Warbringer.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So I just finished Warbreaker as well. I was surprised with how much I enjoyed it. You can definitely tell it's older Sanderon and he's become a much better writer since, but I liked it overall. It's also very obvious how it was set up for a potential sequel or at least a few returning characters.

I do have a question though related to this and WoR:
I've heard some people say that the swordmaster who's name I can't remember in WoR was Vasher. What makes people say this? And how would he even have gotten there, and what happened to the princess that left with him at the end?
General spoilers of Sanderson books here
Sanderson has said zahel = vasher in a Q/A and that basically stormlight can sustain him like a breath can. Sanderson has 37 books planned that are in the same cosmere. Elantris, Warbreaker, Mistborn trilogy and the stormlight archives all take place in it. There are 3 realms of the cosmere, the physical, the cognitive and the spiritual.

You can read about it here, Lots of spoilers of other books
Cosmere 101 - Cosmere Theories - 17th Shard Forums

Essentially a long time ago, there was the power of creation, called Adonalsium. It was shattered in 16 shards that each a facet of creation. These shards were taken up by people, the shard bends the holder to its intent. On the warbreaker world, while you never directly see the shard, it is endowment. On Roshar, there are 3 shards in play, Honor, Cultivation and Hate. A shard can be shattered, which causes certain problems, also a shard holder can be killed but the shard left intact and someone else can pick up the shard. In Elantris there are two shards as well, Devotion and Dominion. In Mistborn there are two, Preservation and Ruin. For the early books, its mostly easter egg stuff, Stormlight Archives he has started to delve more into shards and the cosmere as a whole.

Hoid is a worldhopper, he has been in every cosmere book. He is not a shardholder but was there when Adonalsium was shattered. It is not known yet, how people world hop. There are others as well. Obviously Vasher. You might remember an interlude in the first stormlight book, several people in purelake looking for Hoid, those were worldhoppers, one from Elantris world and one from the Mistborn world.

As far as what happened to the Princess, I'm guessing we will find out in the sequel. Vasher is essentially immortal because of his divine breath, as long as he gets a breath a week to live. Timeline wise, it goes elantris, then warbreaker, then mistborn and the way of kings is suppose to be several hundred years after the events of mistborn


Silver Knight of the Realm
Ah ok, I think my problem was I read WoR BEFORE Warbreaker, so all the little things you would catch, I missed, since I didn't know they were important at the time I read them. That timeline also makes sense and would be helpful in explaining my last question there.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I read way of kings first based on Sanderson writing the final wheel of time books. Then I went back and started reading his other books. I really didn't catch on until I started looking at the 17th shard site


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
No one but the most observant and obsessive fan will pick up on that stuff in general without some idea that they SHOULD be on the lookout for it. Especially if you're someone who reads a lot of other books and series.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
No one but the most observant and obsessive fan will pick up on that stuff in general without some idea that they SHOULD be on the lookout for it. Especially if you're someone who reads a lot of other books and series.
Sanderson has said that he doesn't want people to have read all the cosmere books to get everything until its time. Guessing the last trilogy of mistborn and dragon steel novels.


Silver Baron of the Realm
I just finished Words of Radiance which book is better Elantris or Mistborn #2
Elantris is his first novel and it shows; it's not horrendous but you won't be missing anything if you never pick it up. If you loved Mistborn 1 then continue onwards.


Trakanon Raider
Spoiler, but maybe some food for thought as well.
I was bored and decided to reread some of The Way of Kings last night. Mostly I wanted to see the stuff about the Heralds at the beginning, after reading the cosmere stuff. Something I noticed in the first Szeth chapter. He's heading toward assassinating Gavilar, and notices that one of the statues of the Heralds of the Almighty is missing: Shalash. Isn't that the woman that Denth is after Vasher for in Warbreaker? Didn't she make or help make Nightblood? Vasher killed her with it I believe. And it turns out she's one of the ten Heralds of the Almighty, and her statue is suspiciously missing.

Well, I just looked around before posting, and found it's Shashara that Vasher killed, not Shalash. Totally grasping at straws here, but with the similarities in the name, it's possible that they're the same person/entity. Who knows! I've been pretty hooked on the whole cosemere idea since the discussion first started on this forum about it. The scope of a project like that is just awesome to me.


Tranny Chaser
Made my way to the third part of book one and I find myself much more interested in the characters, although I really do feel that you could cut out at least half of the first two sections and lose nothing. Not necessarily in terms of plot elements, but there are terribly verbose chapters detailing the state of our protagonists that feel overdone.