American Gods


I'm With HER ♀
Show has really started to lose me. Odin and Sweeney are fantastic, but djinn-fucker is such a boring nonfactor and dead girlfriend subplot could've been handled in one episode instead of stretched out across fucking three of them. There's something really disjointed about the pacing and set-ups, which really became obvious for the whole Vulcantown bit.
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The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
It's just...boring. That would be my main complaint. I love the style and the acting, but I'm not very interested in the story.
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Log Wizard
Holy fuck. The Jesus scene was irony. Jesus preached peace and love thy neighbor. They were killing in god's name and in that effort, killed a version of the lord they worshiped. The political message is all the people who preach hate in jesus' name are hypocrites or crazies.

American God's - Watch butt hurt aspies debate indefinitely. Now with more dongs!
This. Fun fact, none of the shooters faces were shown so as not to point to a certain type of people. Only the rosary and engraving. You guys are projecting your butthurt.

I was in the Ghostbusters thread a lot. That thread is a perfect example of what I don't enjoy watching these threads dissolve into.


Trump's Staff
This. Fun fact, none of the shooters faces were shown so as not to point to a certain type of people. Only the rosary and engraving. You guys are projecting your butthurt.

I was in the Ghostbusters thread a lot. That thread is a perfect example of what I don't enjoy watching these threads dissolve into.

Yeah. Those guys could have been any kind of person! Their full faces weren't shown so they could have been half-black/latinx, quadriplegic, demiqueer pastrami-kin from Puerto Rico!

But wait, I just watched it again and their faces were mostly shown, along with many other indicators for what the viewer was supposed to think they were. White, blue-eyed, Christian males driving under cover of darkness to an illegal border crossing as murderous vigilantes, pulling up in GMC pickups with floodlights, wielding 'assault rifles' and wearing cowboy hats. Minuteman Project - Wikipedia

Yeah, definitely doesn't look like a certain kind of person or conjure up any stereotypes at all.

Your brand of shit-tier, concern-troll, cuckoldry makes me long for Tanoomba.
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Unelected Mod
Holy fuck. The Jesus scene was irony. Jesus preached peace and love thy neighbor. They were killing in god's name and in that effort, killed a version of the lord they worshiped. The political message is all the people who preach hate in jesus' name are hypocrites or crazies.

Very true. It also was about immigration. It isn't one or the other.

Fuck, it isn't like Quaid and I are Sadris level anti-immigration. Not by a long stretch. The show just has that slant. Doesn't make it bad or good. It just is.
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Log Wizard
Yeah. Those guys could have been any kind of person! Their full faces weren't shown so they could have been half-black/latinx, quadriplegic, demiqueer pastrami-kin from Puerto Rico!

But wait, I just watched it again and their faces were mostly shown, along with many other indicators for what the viewer was supposed to think they were. White, blue-eyed, Christian males driving under cover of darkness to an illegal border crossing as murderous vigilantes, pulling up in GMC pickups with floodlights, wielding 'assault rifles' and wearing cowboy hats. Minuteman Project - Wikipedia

Yeah, definitely doesn't look like a certain kind of person or conjure up any stereotypes at all.

Your brand of shit-tier, concern-troll, cuckoldry makes me long for Tanoomba.

Oh man, they showed the one shooter's blue eye! What a condemnation of all whites!


Trump's Staff
Oh man, they showed the one shooter's blue eye! What a condemnation of all whites!

"This. Fun fact, none of the shooters faces were shown so as not to point to a certain type of people. Only the rosary and engraving. You guys are projecting your butthurt."
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Log Wizard
They show 1/2 of a guy's face, more like 1/3, and his eyeball.

But wait, I just watched it again and their faces were mostly shown, along with many other indicators for what the viewer was supposed to think they were.



Trump's Staff
You show a screenshot from a scene several minutes long? Are you a moron, a troll, or both?

They show his skin, which is white. They show his eye, which is blue. They also allude to racial identity through cultural markers like clothing and religion.

"This. Fun fact, none of the shooters faces were shown so as not to point to a certain type of people. Only the rosary and engraving."

I guess it doesn't matter. The opinions you've expressed, as usual, are pure shite.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
I've read Gaiman's interviews pretty extensively, and I'm aware of his personal politics. But the focus on immigration in the book was mostly on the founding of America, the melting pot, the foreign gods and their introduction to the US, etc. I don't see that as a political message, that's just history. His view of the Midwest in the book is a little quaint, but he's also talking about a particular highway culture rather than the whole of the Midwest, for the most part. That culture existed and was fading at the time of the writing of the book, which was a theme that was basically used to club you over the head.

Maybe it is me, I didn't pick up any kind of message related to immigration at all in the first 5 episodes. I don't go to leftwing political forums, and I'm sitting here wondering wtf it is they could be discussing with glee in those first 5 episodes.

Yeah, immigration is a necessary part of the story because it's what explains how the so many different gods got here. It's why Gaiman set this story in America and why it wouldn't work anywhere else. It's something unique to America's identity and history. But acknowledging immigration is not inherently political. The book never takes a stance one way or the other that I remember, just references it in the "Coming to America" vignettes as a way of showing the different ways the gods got here, and I don't think the show has been incredibly political in that regard either. It's necessary for the plot and not really as any sort of moral.

Every other episode has shown immigration, whether through history or through an immigrant's story. The only reason people are seeing this as any different is because it relates more closely to what's become a hot-button issue. But, like the others, it's a scene with a basis in reality that's more about how a god came over. It also establishes gods can be "killed" while setting up for Vulcan's introduction. It's also worth noting that Wednesday explicitly refers to this event and the people coming over as "illegal" in a previous episode.

Regardless, if immigration is a topic that bothers you and find politically triggering, the show is going to continue to get on your nerves. The show is almost certainly going to continue to reference immigration in the aptly-named "Coming to America" vignettes as Gaiman wanted to write a story about America and felt this was necessary to do so.
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Trump's Staff
Yeah, immigration is a necessary part of the story because it's what explains how the so many different gods got here. It's why Gaiman set this story in America and why it wouldn't work anywhere else. It's something unique to America's identity and history. But acknowledging immigration is not inherently political. The book never takes a stance one way or the other that I remember, just references it in the "Coming to America" vignettes as a way of showing the different ways the gods got here, and I don't think the show has been incredibly political in that regard either. It's necessary for the plot and not really as any sort of moral.

Every other episode has shown immigration, whether through history or through an immigrant's story. The only reason people are seeing this as any different is because it relates more closely to what's become a hot-button issue. But, like the others, it's a scene with a basis in reality that's more about how a god came over. It also establishes gods can be "killed" while setting up for Vulcan's introduction. It's also worth noting that Wednesday explicitly refers to this event and the people coming over as "illegal" in a previous episode.

Regardless, if immigration is a topic that bothers you and find politically triggering, the show is going to continue to get on your nerves. The show is almost certainly going to continue to reference immigration in the aptly-named "Coming to America" vignettes as Gaiman wanted to write a story about America and felt this was necessary to do so.

Literally nobody in this thread is upset about the themes of immigration present in the show. I have no clue where you are getting this from.
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Log Wizard
You show a screenshot from a scene several minutes long? Are you a moron, a troll, or both?

They show his skin, which is white. They show his eye, which is blue. They also allude to racial identity through cultural markers like clothing and religion.

"This. Fun fact, none of the shooters faces were shown so as not to point to a certain type of people. Only the rosary and engraving."

I guess it doesn't matter. The opinions you've expressed, as usual, are pure shite.



Trump's Staff
Ah the wonderful flailing of one who has lost an argument.

I drink it up.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
rofl, you fuckers are more sensitive then the otherkin snowflakes you make fun of. Soon as 'white guys' aren't getting their proverbial dick sucked about how awesome they are, it's like someone pissed in your cheerios.
The gun town was over the top because it was a fucking cult worshiping firearms and it wasn't even THAT over the top compared to reality. It just combined the aspects of two actual groups into one. I live in Arkansas and that kind of shit absolutely happens. It was a slightly exaggerated version of something that actually exists in our country. I'm also guessing half of you complaining didn't 'get' that the border crossing and the town were the SAME PEOPLE. They were all worshiping Vulcan (firearms) indirectly.

Some minority or SJW gets upset about a racial stereotype on TV and you make fun of them for being a pussy. Happens to you, and you get just as pissed. Or, the majority of the cast is still white and you act like they have 'over diversified' the show (counting those appearing in 2 or more episodes so far: Wednesday, Czernobog, Sweeney, Dead Wife, Technical Boy, Media, and Mr. World vs Shadow, Bilquis and Salim). I'm not saying they need to change the cast, or add in more minorities or something, just pointing out that if this show feels to you like it's 'too diverse' when it's still majority white, then your point of view is skewed.

The term fragility gets tossed around too much, but that was an actual legit example was the point. It means that even when something is in your favor, if it's less then you had before, you over-react. Which is exactly what Lord Lightning Rule did. None of the examples he mentioned stood out as being over the top or even offensive. I never felt like the show was hating on 'white' people whatsoever. They were making fun of the hardcore racist gun freaks, yes, but that's not all white people. So, unless you ARE a member of the nazis or KKK, you shouldn't have identified with those groups. Same way showing a black dude in a gang shouldn't offend the average black person.

If those examples he pointed out felt overly political to you, you are looking for a reason to be pissed off. I mean, one gay scene and the whole show is 'pandering to the fags', ok yea, right.. I think the lady doth protest too much.

Carefull or you might pass Xevy on the virtue signaling obnoxious faggot scale. You aren't there yet but if it is your goal, go resurrect the ghostbusters thread and let us know how great it was.
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Log Wizard
If you just used the word "virtue signaling", you're part of the problem. Buzzfeed teach you this shit?


Trakanon Raider
Lol. "If you show you have morals, you're a faggot" is basically what abe said, but because hes demonized a specific term from dumb fuck SJWs and alt-righters over using it, somehow thats bad.

Re: the show being 'political', that term gets thrown around incorrectly. If your outlook on life is political, then yea, everything is political. If you think killing someone who isnt physically threatening you is bad, now thats 'political' all of a sudden.
The guys killing the immigrants were villains, period. You can be anti-immigration and still realize we shouldnt be murdering them in cold blood. That shouldnt be a political statement, and its sad that anyone would think it is.
Yes, the show is political, but its certainly not 'anti-white' the way lightning lord was trying to suggest, thats all i was saying. Its only if you are someone who thinks all white people should be christian gun freaks, and then your opinion is irrelevant anyways.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
You two fucking twats totally miss the point. It's heavy handed as fuck. I like the show despite that. You don't convince a single god damn person of anything by showing people blowing away illegals crossing the border by evil white people with guns. The entire reason you put political issues in movies or shows is to show a view point without bashing the viewer over the fucking head with it. You want them to change their minds or think , not fucking roll their eyes.
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Got something right about marriage
Hahaha. I think this thread is more entertaining than the show.
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How did they show there was more than one Jesus in this episode? Did I miss the other Jesus? I thought Thy Kingdom Come was Vulcan's people.
Didn't the leprechaun or Wednesday talk about multiple Jesusii in an episode? Jesuses? Not sure the plural of Jesus.
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