obi-wan is now over and in a bit over 2 months Andor will debut, She Hulk is in early august. I am looking forward to this show, while I expect it to have a lot of modern day political injections about refugees, how the poor are treated, etc it is an interesting time period of the seeds of the republic.
It takes place 5 years before A New Hope, so 4 years after Obi-Wan. I don't think we will see any Jedi, Darth Vader, Palpatine, or anything like that but we'll see.
One REALLY good thing, especially for those of us who watched Obi-Wan, is that the showrunners have confirmed there is NO usage of Volume in Andor. Volume is the new system pioneered by ILM and Mandalorian where the soundstage has a massive screen on it which projects in real time the background set the director wants to use, Tatooine or the bridge of a Star Destroyer or cantinas or whatever. Mando used it really well, but Obi-Wan used it poorly. Everything for Andor though is on real sets or green screen, so more flexibility in space and movement.