Rebels was written by people who actually like Star Wars.Going to be an agree to disagree point, because you have a point for sure, we know a lot of these people are dead within 5 years. But getting to see the rebellion being formed will be worth the watch for me. Rebels is a microcosm of this show and its some of the best SW there has been IMO. I fully expect Phoenix Squadron incorporated to some degree in season 2.
If they live up to the words, perhaps. IE, have them actually have to make terrible choices. Sacrifice civilians to achieve the objective, ect, i could be a good show.I know people love shitting on all thing star wars, but this is actually looking good. I like the tone. If the story and characters are good I think it could be the best SW show so far, just like RO was the best new SW movie. Plus i love all the world building + Politicking.
Please don't be another try-hard female lead. Jeeeesus christ Reeva, or whatever her name was, made Prequel acting look top notch compared to her shit. It's like they don't even try anymore.
No, actually, we don't fucking like it at all.I know people love shitting on all thing star wars,
Because they took an story idea that probably could have been done in an episode or two of a TV show, painfully padded the run time out well past two hours, and wedged it into a tiny time period where if any of the characters did survive it would immediately raise the question of why they weren't present in Episode 4.Rogue One took the chance and killed off everyone