Android/iOS/Browser games


<Prior Amod>
If you enjoy (American) Football games/sims then I would recommend Pro Strategy Football 2012 for iOS. It's pretty awesome, has multiple player, you can do full seasons or just exhibition games.

Basically you call your plays and then the game sims the results, you can view the animated sim results or skip them.

It can be found here.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Bought Plague, Inc. because it was on pocket tactics, and god damn is it fun to eradicate life on earth.


Bought Plague, Inc. because it was on pocket tactics, and god damn is it fun to eradicate life on earth.
Fucking Greenland, usually one of the hardest to infect! *shakes fist*

I should reinstall that, it was a ton of fun trying to sneak your virus around the world without killing too many people as they'd close their borders if you wiped out too many too quickly. I believe there's been a couple of content patches since I last played as well.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I started playing Puzzle & Dragons after reading this thread, and it's some addicting shit.

I can't figure something out though-sometimes when i match gems, i take damage seemingly at random. It's not from the creatures attacking me on thier turns. I had a fight a few minutes ago where i was half dead, fighting one creature, and his turn timer was at 4. So i matched 3 hearts, gained 250 life, and then immediately lost 350 life, and the creatures turn timer went down to 3 so he didnt hit me. So i ask, wtf is going on, why do i take dmg sometimes for matching gems, and other times i don't?


<WoW Guild Officer>
Fucking Greenland, usually one of the hardest to infect! *shakes fist*

I should reinstall that, it was a ton of fun trying to sneak your virus around the world without killing too many people as they'd close their borders if you wiped out too many too quickly. I believe there's been a couple of content patches since I last played as well.
Stuck on fungus at the moment, so I'm just clearing normal with virus. I've got it down pretty well, so I'm just opening up the genome bonuses. I absolutely LOVE the seamlessness of play between iOS devices. Played yesterday until my phone was almost dead (finished the game), then swapped to the iPad and it had all of the unlocks from my phone.

Now to find a good RPG for iOS...


Decided to pickup the Plague, Inc. game based on this thread. Wow, it's addicting. I played through on easy mode to get used to the game. Played a couple of normals but I seem to get sooo close to world eradication and run outta steam. Must. Destroy. Civilization.

Thanks for the recommendation


<WoW Guild Officer>
Decided to pickup the Plague, Inc. game based on this thread. Wow, it's addicting. I played through on easy mode to get used to the game. Played a couple of normals but I seem to get sooo close to world eradication and run outta steam. Must. Destroy. Civilization.

Thanks for the recommendation
Bacteria isn't too hard, Virus is easy:
Start someplace arid and poor, my favorite spot is Egypt. Pick things that make it spread easy, let the free viral mutations make it dangerous. I like Airborne, then waterborne, then the IIs for each, then the aersol thing between them. Get heat resist and cold resist, then II for both, then the combo. The lung symptom and sneezing are great, as the make it move so much faster. Then start spending DNA to make it harder to cure. Normal playthrough is about 500 days, 50% cure, and complete eradication.

Have you played the Squeenix Ones? I think Chaos Rings is on a huge sale until Jan 3rd, you should probably pick it up.
Eh, I have most of the FF ones, and they just didn't pull me in. The other thing is I'll end up playing mostly on my phone, but would like to be able to swap to my iPad occasionally. That's sucked on most games (except Plague Inc).


I started playing Puzzle & Dragons after reading this thread, and it's some addicting shit.

I can't figure something out though-sometimes when i match gems, i take damage seemingly at random. It's not from the creatures attacking me on thier turns. I had a fight a few minutes ago where i was half dead, fighting one creature, and his turn timer was at 4. So i matched 3 hearts, gained 250 life, and then immediately lost 350 life, and the creatures turn timer went down to 3 so he didnt hit me. So i ask, wtf is going on, why do i take dmg sometimes for matching gems, and other times i don't?
What creatures were you using? Perhaps there's one that has a leader skill that causes you to take damage when matching orbs but deal more damage in return? I haven't come across that one personally though and have never had happen what you described.

I rerolled a few times until I got a 5* starter, easiest way is just to delete/reinstall. I got Shiva after not too many tries and then landed a Neptune with my next rare egg pull so stuck with that one. Currently running an all Fire team with Shiva as leader but once I've evolved the starter fire dragon again will be swapping to him as he will have 2x damage at that point.


Trakanon Raider
I started playing Puzzle & Dragons after reading this thread, and it's some addicting shit.
For some reason, this is not available in Australia


For some reason, this is not available in Australia
US and Japan only atm for god knows what reason. It was enough to prompt me to finally make a US account to play it though, you don't need to plug in payment details if you create an account through a free app.


Did anyone actually like Organ Trail btw? I read a lot of good things about it but I found it very bland, linear and repetitive myself. There is almost no "make a decision" situation. The text based frames are not very well written. The number of items seems very limited (I'm about 2/3 of the way through I think and still no new gun. I guess there aren't any). There is only 2 types of missions, both of them somewhat boring and with painful controls. The world is quite shallow. I can get on with text but there is almost nothing described. Even the scavenging missions don't match whichever landmark you're in. The music (midi style) is decent but the sounds are terrible.

I'm still playing it because I'm jonesing for some survival/scavenging gameplay. But I am disappoint.


<Prior Amod>
Playing Puzzles and Dragons...seems cool, but my main guy I choose at the beginning is level 5 and it says hes max level...I assume I can do something to still make him more powerful? Can I make him not the leader anymore?

Also I just got a rare fire dragon but it wont let me use him in my party....any ideas why?


You get a certain amount of team points (that goes up as you rank up) and each unit has a cost, the unit you just got must take you above that.

As for the level, once a unit hits the max level for its current evolution you can check in Evolve Fusion to see if fa) it canbe evolved to a better monster and b) what materials it needs.

I have my starter fire dragon at its 4* form atm, the 5* is a bit away yet in levels and materials but will be well worth it.

Make as many healer friends as you can, especially those with a Siren or even Siren The Enchanter which is her evolved form. When you use someones unit who is on your friends list you get access to their leader ability, Sirens for example is a heal every time you match 3+ marbles. Getting a few of those in your friends list can make the early levels fly by.

I would also mention again that if you get a 2* out of the opening rare egg roll and you think you like the look of the game long term, delete the app and reinstall. Yes doing the tutorial again is a pita but getting a decent 4* or even 5* makes it worthwhile.

When back on my pc I'll add some helpful links to this post, P&D is much bigger/deeper than it may initially suggest but as it's one of Japan's highest grossing titles it currently gets tons of updates and events etc.


The tutorial explains about basic fusion and team editing etc and evolve fusion is in the same menu. Only units that are max levelled can be evolved further and not all units can be evolved to a later stage.

As for * level, that's basically monster rarity. Named gods etc are 5* like Siren The Enchanter, Shiva, Thor, Neptune etc etc You can evolve a StE yourself by starting with a mermaid you get from a dungeon or pal egg etc and max level it once and evolve to Siren then max level it again to the named form of Siren.

To change leader just go into edit team and select your leader and choose a different unit to take it's place. Early on you want x damage or heal when match where possible.

At rank 50 I have 40 stamina, 60 team cost and 44 friends list size and have so far expanded my monster box size to 60. you join this group it has some decent English info, most of the wiki's haven't been converted from Chinese or Japanese yet so take a bit more work to pull out the info you need.


Trakanon Raider
I would also mention again that if you get a 2* out of the opening rare egg roll and you think you like the look of the game long term, delete the app and reinstall. Yes doing the tutorial again is a pita but getting a decent 4* or even 5* makes it worthwhile.
I did that for a bit, and ended up with, erm, a 5* dark elemental or something - it's got huge stats but it's leader ability seems a bit useless - unless there's something I'm missing, to take advantage of it you need to have a bunch of purple guys, which makes half the colors useless. It seems better to stay with one of each color ? Also seems a bit impractical to start with, given fusion with a newbie creature costs 3k coins.