You just lost my vote as moderator you homofag.
I spend most mornings a week with my moms group talking about what idiots our husbands are. This is for parents of small children, so I can't speak for all husbands but our general complaints include but are not limited to (i have no experience in some of these but god damn do i hear about them):
The whiney bitch ass behavior. "uhh. I'm so tired. I got to bed so late last night." You got 8 hours. Walk it off.
Irrational use of spending money. It's not "only $10" if you do it every day and we're not "cheap"-- were just not retarded.
The no you game. God forbid you give constructive criticism to a husband. You tell him one thing that he did that bothered you and you hear about the last three things you did that bothered him. NO YOU IS NOT THE OBJECT OF THE DISCUSSION!
Immaturity with bodily functions. No one in the whole entire world wants to hear you burp or fart. And we don't care if you are about to or just did take a shit. It's disgusting. Excuse yourself or keep it to yourself.
Snoring. It's loud as fuck and you become even more irritating sleeping then you are when you're awake.
Porn. Picturing your husband sitting at the computer jerking it is possibly the most disgusting mental image ever. Control yourselves.