I've always been a big supporter of making Personal Finance part of core school curriculum, but it wasn't until I met my wife that I truly started to understand how important money management can be for a relationship.
Plain and simple, she is retarded with money. She consistently has almost $0 to her name, and when she does have cash, she spends it on weed and throw pillows with vapid shit written on them, like "Live, Laugh, Love." She drives an SUV with a monthly payment that could easily be reduced by $200 if she downgraded to a sedan. She took out a credit card to buy an $800 elliptical machine, which has been used about a dozen times in two years. That same credit card now holds a $3,800 balance, against which she pays about $150 a month. How that balance came to be? I have no idea. Probably throw pillows.
I've asked, pleaded, begged, demanded and pretty much screamed at her to get her shit together. I've shown her simple budgeting apps that she can use to get her finances in order. I've literally broken down how much money she could be saving if she stopped smoking weed, turned her car in for something more economical, and tucked some money away in a CD or market account... but it's all on deaf ears.
Fortunately she's not a mooch and actually works hard. She has a full time job and also has a small side business... but she just has no concept of long-term savings or the value of the dollar. If it wasn't for me, our family would be completely fucked financially. It's not a burden I enjoy carrying.