Why are you so angry, trex?
She lives in downtown Portland, you'd be angry surrounded by that level of hipster douche baggery and your children would grow up retarded.
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Why are you so angry, trex?
Nothing better than stay at home housewives complaining about the man giving them the ability to sit on their fat ass and complain about how good they have it.
Quoted for fucking truth. Somehow conversations with me trying to, politely get her not to spend $400/week on absolute junk she thinks she or the kids needs and will just end up throwing out in a year or two, ends up with me being an asshole who doesn't love his family.
Then she lies about what she needs the money for -- buys like $150 tent, *we've never camped in our life*. or $300 on these cloth reusable diapers she threw out after a week. I could fill ten pages with this stuff... and it's my fault she lied and deceived somehow.
Yea. Used to let her hold on to the credit cards and give her $100/week additional for luxury stuff. That shit stopped quick when the cards get maxed every month and there's like $1500 in useless amazon junk charges.
Oh... and insert nightly guilt trips about how hard her job is. Bitch please, you sit on your phone and shop/watch tv 80% of the day. The other 20% you do some dishes/laundry/child care. You go wherever you want during the day and eat gourmet shit with your kids and have fun on someone else's dime. Your life is not that hard.
Love the kids, but man, fuck my life right now.
And let this be a lesson to you younger chaps!
you are garbageIzo made a funny. I'm worried that I'm laughing at an Izo post.
Public school here is not an option. They're all garbage. You guys want to do your suburban white life, do it. No hate. Also understand it is not the only answer...UNLESS THE MEDIA HAS BRAINWASHED YOU INTO THINKING ITS THE ONLY ANSWER.... Dun dun dun.
I would argue that the people who ask "what's wrong with suburbia?" are in fact what's wrong with suburbia.
the gospel. All truth.You do realize you're white, living in a very white city in one of the whitest parts of america, right?
Just checking
And you have small boobs FYI
My wife is chronically late, for everything, all the time. I have no idea how she's never been fired. This wouldn't be so bad except at some point in our marriage people stopped saying 'she's always late' and it became 'they're always late.' Christ that rustles me.
Bonus rustling: when we're late and on the way she wants me to text whomever we're meeting to say we're going to be late. Ok, 1) I'm fucking driving, and 2) text them yourself since we were supposed to be there at 7.00 and you're stepping out of the shower at 7.05. That message is not coming from me.
God damn.
I started taking the kids and driving my own car places, and let her come when she's ready. I got yelled at the first few times but she started getting ready to leave earlier when it was obvious I was going to leave her there.
My wife is chronically late, for everything, all the time. I have no idea how she's never been fired. This wouldn't be so bad except at some point in our marriage people stopped saying 'she's always late' and it became 'they're always late.' Christ that rustles me.
I have to keep reminding myself that it's not personal. I consider being late to be extremely rude. To me, you're effectively telling the other person that your time matters more than theirs, and that you can't be bothered to show some basic respect. That's my take on it, but my wife honestly doesn't mean any harm. She's usually late because she's finishing some kind of project or gift for a friend, and has bitten off way more than she can manage. She's not being flippant, she just cannot possibly accomplish all of the things she believes HAVE to be done, right now, regardless of time. I've caught her half dressed and ready to go somewhere, cleaning dishes or starting a load of laundry because it occurred to her that it'll need done later. There's no concept of priority or ordering tasks for maximum efficiency.