By itself? Not flamboyant enough for you.
By itself? Not flamboyant enough for you.
Clashing with the pretentious half butt plugs on each side? Perfect.
oh ffs man. CONTRACTS.Well, I need help.
The artist finished, it looks almost like the painting I previously posted. .... He surprised me with the price, $2600. LOL. I told him I cannot pay that, and that I thought it would be more inline with what he charged me for another painting he did. So, fuck him, fuck that shitty piece of art. I showed my girlfriend, she hates it. My sister laughed and says it looks like a southpark charicature, and my ex who does art thinks its worth $600 max.
So: Where can I find super high res super hero pics online that I can get printed on canvas?
oh ffs man. CONTRACTS.
how are you even finding artists too dumb to have contracts?
Time, cost, expected checkpoints, recompense for failure, etc.. have all that shit written out, and signed by both parties.
I don't know the media well enough to give much input on the art itself. Like the blue wash is important in the original in selling the lightning. its the light source and the whole scene is bathed in blue from it. so the art missing that, made me wonder. But again, I dont know of that material can do washes after the fact, or if they needed to have mixed blues into the under color in the first place.
...that whole "blue bath" that makes it all make sense, ...