Any hope for this painting?


<Silver Donator>
Absolutely not. He had done a previous 3 foot x 3 foot for me for $450 that came out really well, he picked the image, it looked amazing. A 6 foot x 5 foot is less than 4 times the size, I would have thought the price would be less than 4 x $450, but it ended up being way more. In the text today, he said he thought it should be $4320 ($1 per square inch) then realized it would be way too much, so went down to some formula per linear inch that came up with the $2600 figure. I've just moved my other home paintings around and have filled the void where Groot/Rocket/Thor would have gone, so unfortunately this journey is ending.
We should do a donation drive here at FOH and see if we can buy this for tyen tyen to hang up in his kid's closet room. Give that poor painter a couple nickels...
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Millie's Staff Member
this thread is trying to kill me, havent laughed so hard since Fuzzy Trolls were introduced into the Pantheon thread..
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
If you want to know if an artist is any good, ask to see their NSFW examples. If they don't have any you know they're shit, because it's the only real way to make money in that profession.
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Aychamo BanBan

Screen Shot 2020-11-16 at 4.45.02 PM.png

To be clear, this is the type of painting that garnishes multiple thousands of dollars. I apologize if a local artist takes up a project, but that doesn't mean I have to pay for shitty art. The last shitty art I paid for was in high school, this girl drew me and my girlfriend for like $30, framed, and it was terrible. I think if I ever commission art again we should definitely have a contract with a price first, and second they should do a minature like 1 foot wide painting of what the final product will look like so we can agree on it. The Thor painting, the artist said he is going to keep it and get prints made and sell those unless someone wants to buy the original. I'm sorry I'm not more skilled in negotiating art.


<Bronze Donator>
I interact with doctors on a daily basis at work. It has shown me that they can be just as stupid as anyone else, they just managed managed to complete the training. Being a clueless human being outside of that training is unsurprising.

On the aychamo claim, I don't remember seeing what Falxy says he does, so I'll have to trust you on that. Plenty of people engage in attention whorish behavior around here, especially nowadays when they may be getting less from other sources. We'll need more than that unfortunately.

Seriously. My sister has done paintings for people in the past. She shows them her portfolio and they always agree to at least a ballpark price beforehand. This is for paintings in the $100 range, not in the thousands. Shame on Falxy for stiffing the guy, but also shame on the artist for not insisting on an agreement before he started his work.

That is assuming this is even true.
Yep. We discussed this when Keg was banned. That was an exception. What do you do in cases where you're relatively sure it's that person but have no hard proof and know you won't get any?

Any response to fucking with people's livelihood?

The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
Man this turned out looking like dogshit. Shocker. How much do you want for it? I can use it as tinder for my fire pit.

The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
oh ffs man. CONTRACTS.

how are you even finding artists too dumb to have contracts?

Time, cost, expected checkpoints, recompense for failure, etc.. have all that shit written out, and signed by both parties.

I don't know the media well enough to give much input on the art itself. Like the blue wash is important in the original in selling the lightning. its the light source and the whole scene is bathed in blue from it. so the art missing that, made me wonder. But again, I dont know of that material can do washes after the fact, or if they needed to have mixed blues into the under color in the first place.
If they were smart they wouldn't be an artist.... 🤷‍♂️
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The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
Anyone who works in multimedia and doesn't do contracts gets what they deserved. Altho it's pretty f'd up and lulzy seeing falxy defend this painting as it progressed then decide it was trash.

Aychamo BanBan

Anyone who works in multimedia and doesn't do contracts gets what they deserved. Altho it's pretty f'd up and lulzy seeing falxy defend this painting as it progressed then decide it was trash.

That's for sure. I truly wanted the Thor piece to be amazing. I checked in with my painter almost daily, listened to all his excuses. I've been excited for weeks to get this on my wall, thinking it would be fantastic. My GF thought it looked bad the entire time. My ex wasn't impressed. I held out hope, thinking he would really tweak the face. But the mouth looks terrible, he missed the whole "blue shade" of the painting, the hammer/hand is off, it just looks amateur. And the thing is huge, so it will be a huge wart on the wall. I think it's "good enough" for the price I was suspecting it would be, but it's not good enough for > $2500, that's just insane. For $2500 I can get legitimately fantastic art. For $1000, I'd buy it right now, but for $2600, I'd rather remodel some other part of my house.
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<Silver Donator>
That's for sure. I truly wanted the Thor piece to be amazing. I checked in with my painter almost daily, listened to all his excuses. I've been excited for weeks to get this on my wall, thinking it would be fantastic. My GF thought it looked bad the entire time. My ex wasn't impressed. I held out hope, thinking he would really tweak the face. But the mouth looks terrible, he missed the whole "blue shade" of the painting, the hammer/hand is off, it just looks amateur. And the thing is huge, so it will be a huge wart on the wall. I think it's "good enough" for the price I was suspecting it would be, but it's not good enough for > $2500, that's just insane. For $2500 I can get legitimately fantastic art. For $1000, I'd buy it right now, but for $2600, I'd rather remodel some other part of my house.
The humor of this is giving way to disgust. Stop conning people into working for free as entertainment
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The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
That's for sure. I truly wanted the Thor piece to be amazing. I checked in with my painter almost daily, listened to all his excuses. I've been excited for weeks to get this on my wall, thinking it would be fantastic. My GF thought it looked bad the entire time. My ex wasn't impressed. I held out hope, thinking he would really tweak the face. But the mouth looks terrible, he missed the whole "blue shade" of the painting, the hammer/hand is off, it just looks amateur. And the thing is huge, so it will be a huge wart on the wall. I think it's "good enough" for the price I was suspecting it would be, but it's not good enough for > $2500, that's just insane. For $2500 I can get legitimately fantastic art. For $1000, I'd buy it right now, but for $2600, I'd rather remodel some other part of my house.
I'd pay like $100 for this

The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
Well, apparently I'm disgusting because I don't want to pay multiple thousands of dollars for work that turns out bad!
Well i mean I'd never commission this garbage in the first place ....
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<Bronze Donator>
See the second half of my post you quoted.

Activities not on this board are also outside of our jurisdiction unless they have a direct impact here.
This thread is definitely encouraging his behavior. Even FoH has standards.


Millie's Staff Member
What a shocking turn of events. Another mediocre painting and another struggling artist getting stiffed.

I like to imagine that this one has been really struggling through the pandemic. Bills keep pilling up, constant arguments with the wife on what theyre going to do and how theyre going to afford christmas presents for the kids this year. Then one night after a very intense fight with the wife you get a DM on facebook. Someone says they just looked through your work and they want a billboard size marvel picture for their marvel themed room, and if its good enough, he says they will pay any price. You show the DM to your wife in disbelief, your prayers have been answered! You begin working on ideas and coordinating ideas with the client. You share progress pictures during the entire process and the client seems very enthusiastic, never once mentioning any major issues. Then after spending countless hours, effort and resources completing what the client asked, he decides that he has unsolvable issues and no longer wishes to proceed. Christmas is cancelled, sorry Timmy.
offer 1500. yay christmas isnt cancelled, just no 65 inch O-led for the dining room.