Musty Nester
Camera on every street corner in London. It's not quite that black and white.Yeah, and it's funny, because everyone here in America is so dumb and keeps saying "herp derp, can't do anything about it, privacy isn't a right, etc", whereas an individual's right to privacy is something that Europe has done much, much, much better than America has - mainly because the people in Europe don't tolerate their personal business being farmed out for free to everyone who can operate google.
Europe DOES do a better job with right to privacy.
What these sites don't have is medical records. They're not listing, "So-and-so lives at XXX Street, City and he was diagnosed with chronic allergy-induced flatulence on 5/9/2012" They don't have the emails that you write to your mistress. They don't have anything that actually is private. So they have a record of where you live? Well, your deed is not private information. It is public information. They have your online resume? That shit is not private to begin with! That's the whole point!
I don't see why any government would forbid the private maintenance of a public records database. I don't see how they could, actually, and still have their economy work.
They may regulate it more than we do. I don't know.
I believe the best way to guard privacy rights is to give the devil his due. A broad, bright line. And you only worry about what's on the "private" side of it. There's still enough of it on that side to worry about.