

Vyemm Raider
Well it turns out they weren't actually banned for exploiting and might have been false flagged. So we'll see what happens.


Pay to play forum
Another succesfull siege. We now hold 3 castles. Will be interesting how it plays out.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
What kind of defending force was there? There hasn't been a real siege on Kyrios since the wall nerf and everyone has ironclads and doesn't want to get mortars.


Pay to play forum
70 people, most of them buffed. They are not as well geared as we are and lack organization and experience, because they avoid land pvp. We were very well prepared with kegs, siege towers, trebuchets, around 60 mortar (+ Ironclads we spawned as a disctraction) and nearly all buffs aviable in the game. Took us roughly one hour to claim it.

We also had a good battle plan we practised and fine tuned before the siege.


Pay to play forum
Hhmm, guess I explain it some.

Their gate was near a cliff, where we could shoot the gate without them being able to shoot us with their cannons. Everyone in the guild also had Kegs and the portable siege cannons. At start we rushed to the gate, spawned mortars below the cliff and in front of the gate and used kegs and siege cannons on it. Meanwhile a really really strong 7 man group started shooting the wall, we planned to breach to soften it up already. We additionally rolled in 2 siege towers near the gate to keep them busy on the walls and distract them.

That was phase 1 and it worked well. I think Gate was down after ~10 minutes and when it fell, the wall was nearly dead aswell, because they couldnt afford a strong enough group to kill our wall-group.

Phase 2 was fighting them at the breach and taking down the wall protecting the lodestone. Again, a shitton of mortars, additional siege towers to get on the walls to kill cannoneers and some trebuchets just to keep them busy. I think wall fell shortly after their reinforcements arrived.

After that it was ~30 minutes of fighting around the lodestone. We mostly killed it with normal attacks, because they couldnt clear the area around the lodestone and we kept them at bay. The defenders were retarded and send like 20-25 people to flank us, which we could easily fend off with ~10 people. which weakened their main force at the lodestone further.

When Lodestone fell, we spawned everything at the breach. Mortars, farm carts, farm haulers, pets and made sure to rush out to kill their mortars, when they spawned them.


Thats how the breach looked and you can also see the Anthalon set clicky, which is absurdly strong in mass PvP.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Wow, being able to snipe the gatehouse out of cannon range is a really bad defensive design. We have the gatehouse protected almost as well as the lodestone. I actually think our castle is the best protected castle I've seen. I've for you to take a trip to Kyrios to check it out sometime.


Pay to play forum
Ay, most guilds did not understand proper castle design. The last castle not in our hands has an open gatehouse aswell, where you can shot it off cannon range. Last siege on their castle was before the patch without proper preparations, so we didnt manage to get more than 1 wall and 50% gatehouse.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Yeah, keeping up with these events on ten accounts is a love / hate relationship. Just setting my accounts to click once every 15 minutes while I'm at work on multiple machines, don't know about the rest of you.


Vyemm Raider
I recognise that face. It's a dude who made YouTube videos. He pretended to be a pirate and sailed around in a rowboat with his crew. They were all like level 10 lol.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
So a quick update on Kyrios: As I think most people predicted Tractor Team Six went back to their ways and started cart blocking people. Early this morning we put them on KOS and gave the guilds they work with (Mostly Nocturne) a choice of defending their cart blocking Ollo brothers or not.

First we ran the SoG, MM and Halcyona Trifecta, winning SoG and Halcyona!


Next we chased down the new members of our KOS list. We found them away from the guards and pushed them to the Nui.


They later challenged us again outside Caenord.



But it ended the same way.


They tried a new attack vector: Blocking carts in peace zones and reporting blood. We racked up a ton of crime points fighting them, but nearly everyone on our side got innocent. Most people on the East have started to hate TT6 and Nocturne. I get lots of tells from groups telling us they are with us and giving us scouting intel on their movements.



Meanwhile we went and did Nazar, grats to those who got their key piece!



I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
As a quick update the 'war' with TT6 has been a bit of a let down. Anytime there's a real fight they hide in the Nui.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Fighting has somewhat picked up. TT6 regularly goes out and runs their mageball strat against us, reds etc. It's still an uphill battle for them because most of them are not geared. They also usually get guilty sentences and we usually get innocent sentences so we have a huge advantage in conflicts.

We had some good fights last night:


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Haha it's garbage.

MMO devs really need to remember to make garbage pets immune to AE.

It also does shit DPS and is too slow. It has some PBAE thing that is cute but it's completely useless. Anytime someone uses it it's a total joke and insult. Like, "I can't believe you just attacked me with this fucking thing."


Pay to play forum
Shadowknight was really really strong in Arena with the pet, before the poophand nerf. Other than that it is bad.

We lost our third castle last Sunday, because there is no way our alliance can field enough people. We normally have 80-90 online at siege nights, so we had to just fortifeit it.