Arkk's Weight Lifting / Fitness Thread


Ssraeszha Raider
Depends on the overall volume. The benefits of hitting a group multiple times per week is you can keep the intensity higher and you allow for better motor patterns, but the overall volume typically can't increase without another factor allowing for that. So if you're moving 40,000 pounds on your chest day, and you do that twice a week instead of moving 20,000 and 20,000, you'll never recover.

For instance, my "leg" day used to be multiple sets of triples in the 90% 1RM range. Now, because I'm back to squatting every day, I work up to a heavy single and call it a day.
It's also harder to recover the more total weight you lift, not just relative to your 1RM. So if someone's 1RM is 505 and someone else's 1RM is 135, the person squatting 90% of 505 needs more time to recover than the person squatting 90% of 135.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It's also harder to recover the more total weight you lift, not just relative to your 1RM. So if someone's 1RM is 505 and someone else's 1RM is 135, the person squatting 90% of 505 needs more time to recover than the person squatting 90% of 135.
Hence why I brought up the poundage. There was a video on youtube discussing this at length but I'm too lazy to find it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
It's amazing someone can get that big without learning how to spot someone properly.

I did a 300 pound single squat yesterday at 163 bodyweight. Kind of disappointed (my 1RM was 315 at like 175, about 2 years ago).

I'm thinking I need to start squatting more often, but I hate leg days so much. Does anyone know of a 2-3x a week squat program to go from 3 to 4 plates (or really, like 275 to 365).
How does squatting more often increase your weight? My best squats were 545 for 5, and maybe an inch from regulation depth. I was squatting only once a week. Between that and a heavy deadlift day, it was all my lower back could stand.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm pissed. 1st one I would have had it. 2nd one...ya, get it off me. So I've figured that 2 chest workouts a week for chest, there just isn't enough time to recover.

Today was 315x8 on the hammer strength incline. I've done 405x6 on it. My shoulders are tight lately, even with warmups and stretching. About a month ago, I was in a rush to get to work, and I was doing a light shoulder day, so I figured I didn't need to stretch. Bad idea. Even though I was going 20% lighter, I was doing more reps. Now when I do a top set on back, chest or shoulders, there's now lots of joint pain.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I tell you what, as I get older, I can still generate a lot of intensity, but I have a heck of a time doing two workouts in a day anymore.


Mr. Poopybutthole
How does squatting more often increase your weight? My best squats were 545 for 5, and maybe an inch from regulation depth. I was squatting only once a week. Between that and a heavy deadlift day, it was all my lower back could stand.
Basically my thinking is that squatting more often will prioritize those muscles. Squatting once a week has left me with pretty minimal progress over the last couple years.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Basically my thinking is that squatting more often will prioritize those muscles. Squatting once a week has left me with pretty minimal progress over the last couple years.
Americans have this "more is better" mentality to almost everything. More is not usually better, if you are training hard, and natural.

When I'm trying to increase strength, I'll lower my reps to four or five, and try to add 5-20 pounds a week (depending on the lift). Even if you only add five pounds a week, over 52 weeks, that's a lot of weight you added. Think about that, it's only adding a 2.5 on each side of the barbell a week.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Americans have this "more is better" mentality to almost everything. More is not usually better, if you are training hard, and natural.

When I'm trying to increase strength, I'll lower my reps to four or five, and try to add 5-20 pounds a week (depending on the lift). Even if you only add five pounds a week, over 52 weeks, that's a lot of weight you added. Think about that, it's only adding a 2.5 on each side of the barbell a week.
There Is No Optimal Training Frequency For Powerlifting - YouTube


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
So my progress on the standing shoulder press went BACKWARDS. I was only able to get 205 for 10 this week. Went for 225 and need elbow support on the 2nd rep. This shit is HAAAAARRRRD.

Also needs to be said. It's the same muscle, the shoulder that is being hit, but totally different angle than the seated shoulder press. So pretty much I am starting from scratch on this muscle group.


Blackwing Lair Raider
And my point was made when he talks about the elite guys being on drugs and having more available rest time (because they are training all day and have sponsors for income instead of having to work).
I think the most important thing is that Candito states EVERYTHING will work, but NOTHING will work forever.

If he's been squatting only once a week and it's not effective, it's time to change things up. There's nothing wrong with increasing his frequency, his body may respond effectively to it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I think the most important thing is that Candito states EVERYTHING will work, but NOTHING will work forever.

If he's been squatting only once a week and it's not effective, it's time to change things up. There's nothing wrong with increasing his frequency, his body may respond effectively to it.
If your joints can handle it, more power to you. My lower back cannot handle workouts of 500-600 on squat and deadlift more than once a week. And this is when I was younger and had more rest time.


Blackwing Lair Raider
If your joints can handle it, more power to you. My lower back cannot handle workouts of 500-600 on squat and deadlift more than once a week. And this is when I was younger and had more rest time.
Oddly enough my knees feel better the higher my frequency is. I become tight as dick if I squat 1-2 a week vs 5-6 times.


Mr. Poopybutthole
That looks pretty awesome.

I just started building a gym (we have a 3rd car garage that was converted to a separate living space). For the amount we're spending to build it, I'd definitely give that a shot instead.

Once we get the equipment in, I'll post some pictures. All in all we're looking at a little over $3k, which includes:

Recessed lighting
Lifting platform
3/4" rubber flooring
Power rack
Texas Power Bar
Women's Bar
Bumper plates
Flat bench
Kettlebells (possibly)

My wife is into Crossfit, so part of this is to accommodate her (bumpers, women's bar, kettles). I'm keeping an eye out for iron plates and maybe a dumbbell set. Dumbbells are fucking stupid expensive though, even at 50 cents a pound (since I'd want at least 5-100, but really up to 150).


Back down to 155 from 180 after last bulk or wtfever you wanna call it. Been doin the same thing for about a year and a half now and p happy with the results but I think I want to do a higher intensity program.

This is what I do now pretty much besides a thing or 2 here and there:
Lower A
Squats 3x5-6
Weighted Back Extensions 3x8-10
Leg Press 3x8-10
Leg Curls 3x10-12
Ab work 3x15-18/Calf raises 3x12-15 Superset

Upper A
Incline Bench 3x5-6
Decline DB Bench 3x8-10
Lat Pulldowns 3x8-10
Bent Over Rows 3x8-10
Curls 3x8-10/Reverse Flies 3x10-12 Superset

*Squat 3x5-6
*DL 3x5-6
Good Morning 3x8-10
Leg Extensions/Leg curls (Superset 3x10-12)
Calf work 3x12-15/Optional Shrugs 3x8-10 (Superset)

*Bench(Horizontal Press) 3x5-6
*OHP(Upward Press) 3x5-6
Dips or fly 3x8-10
Overhead Extensions(long head iso)-3x8-10/Ab work-3x12-15 (Superset)
Lateral Raises 3x10-12

*Pendlay Rows(Horizontal Pull) 3x5-6
Yates Rows(Upward Pull) 3x5-6
Lat Pulldowns(Downward Pull) 3x8-10
Reverse Flies/Overhead face pulls (Superset 3x10-12) (For facepulls think 60 degree incline for the angle)
Curls 3x8-10

So can I just do something like 5x10 on the main lifts in there and thats ok Im high intensity now?? Or should I do something else someone tell me. Im very happy with the progress I have made physically and Im alright with my lifting #s and everything.. But I havent been taking my diet or anything very serious despite being in full control of my weight and this time Im going to try to eat at maintenance and get srs on making myself eat more rice and eggs and lean meats so I wanna dank program to go with it


Blackwing Lair Raider
You're pretty much doing PHAT. What are your goals? Why do you want to switch to 5x10? P.S. That's not a higher intensity program, it's a higher volume. Intensity would be something like 8x3 or simply increasing the % of 1RM.