Arrival (2016)


Vyemm Raider
Gavin was/is good but he doesn't have that joie de vivre that Milo has to really make the "performance theater" work without just sounding like an idiot.
"Joie de vivre" in this instance translating to "unrestrained faggotry". Milo degenerated into a parody of himself in lockstep with his rise in popularity.

That is some powerful stupid.
One need only look at the director's body of work
Mr. Villeneuve has built and grown his career making films that are about, and led by, women. “Arrival” is his sixth feature to focus on a female character.
or read some of his comments
“I’m the first generation of men that was in contact with those new ideas of feminism,” Mr. Villeneuve said. “I was raised in a way that I didn’t feel threatened by those ideas. I felt that it was a beautiful thing.”
to recognize that Gavin's assessment isn't that far off.
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privileged excrementlord
Sicario was about Benicio, not Emily Blunt, regardless of what the director says. And Wolverine and Gyllenhaal were the stars of Prisoners.
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FPS noob
yes, when I think of feminism I think of Prisoners and Sicario, the directors previous two movies
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Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Early on when they stopped all gun sales because aliens showed up, I thought it was going to be an idiotic shitshow. Took me about 15 minutes to get over that and it wound up being allright. Moved kind of slow. My questions were:
Why did abbot die? Did he die in the explosion? it looked like they managed to protect themselves from that. Did the chinese somehow kill him (maybe it was the same 2 on all 12 ships)?
Second, what was the shooting about at the ship when they tried to blow up the ship? Were those people acting out on their own? If so, did I miss a scene where they were getting radicalized or whatever? Only thing I recall was one soldier watching some show on the web.


<Gold Donor>
this movie been out long enough and it's fucking bleh enough to stop using spoilers.

Abbot was killed in the explosion. Yeah it was a squad that went rogue cus they thought they were doing the right thing.

movie was about as feminist as Sicario, ie it wasn't.

it was philosophical question wrapped up in some pseudo-science mental masturbation about linguistics.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The movie did a bad job of explaining it, but I don't think her learning the language alone gave her the ability to traverse her own timeline. You'll notice she was the only character to actually touch the glass panel and she only seemed to start having the "dreams" after she did that. I think the aliens did something physically to her that made that modification to her.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
The movie did a bad job of explaining it, but I don't think her learning the language alone gave her the ability to traverse her own timeline. You'll notice she was the only character to actually touch the glass panel and she only seemed to start having the "dreams" after she did that. I think the aliens did something physically to her that made that modification to her.

It was all based on learning the language. Some hyper extension of Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis (Linguistic relativity - Wikipedia) and in the short story you get more of the physics / science and combining linguistics with the Principle of Least Action. But in the movie Renner only makes a passing comment about them not understanding algebra.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I thought hawkeye pressed glass too. But only that first time. In the explosion scene where one of them was tapping the glass, only she touched it. IIRC.

Did I miss how the explosion got Abbot, or did they just do a shitty job of cutting? Cause my memory is that the hoomans were actually closer to the explosions than the heptapods.


<Gold Donor>
I thought hawkeye pressed glass too. But only that first time. In the explosion scene where one of them was tapping the glass, only she touched it. IIRC.

Did I miss how the explosion got Abbot, or did they just do a shitty job of cutting? Cause my memory is that the hoomans were actually closer to the explosions than the heptapods.
it didn't exactly show it but I assume that the explosion cracked their glass wall thing which let in our atmosphere and that's what lead to his death. The other one was further away and escaped I guess. They made a big deal earlier about how the atmospheres were very different and how long it took for them to filter it so that the humans could enter the chamber, that was the main limiter on how often and how long they could go up in to the ship and talk to them.

Then again, later when she goes up alone they send a pod to pick her up and she's just chilling with them in their room, not in the original room with the wall with the filtered atmosphere. Maybe our atmosphere was poisonous to them but there's didn't hurt us. He says that Abott is "Death Process" which could mean he's dead or maybe that he's in the process of dying, either wounds from the explosion or poisoned by our air.

It was all based on learning the language. Some hyper extension of Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis (Linguistic relativity - Wikipedia) and in the short story you get more of the physics / science and combining linguistics with the Principle of Least Action. But in the movie Renner only makes a passing comment about them not understanding algebra.
^ this is the philosophical mental masturbation I was referring to. I was too lazy to find the original quote thanks for reposting so i can mock it.

"Imagine if we lived in a world where language was the bottleneck to faster than light travel"
"but it's not, physics is"
"but what if it was language? What if the concepts of tenses in language, or accents, to denote past and future tense, is what is limiting our ability to perceive time differently and therefore achieve greatness?"
"you do realize that on planet earth there's several dozen languages which lack either a past or future tense? Like idk, finnish? or Japanese? There's also quite a few that lack both. Like all of the native tribal languages and dialects of the america's pre-colonization? Basically everyone on earth who wasn't influenced by greco-roman latin based culture? You think if language enabled us to see our future that the Aztecs woulda fared a bit better against the conquistadors? Think the seminoles woulda been lining up for those blankets the settlers were handing out?"
"ok but let's pretend this is a real thing and create some pseudo-science around it to tell a story"
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Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
it didn't exactly show it but I assume that the explosion cracked their glass wall thing which let in our atmosphere and that's what lead to his death. The other one was further away and escaped I guess. They made a big deal earlier about how the atmospheres were very different and how long it took for them to filter it so that the humans could enter the chamber, that was the main limiter on how often and how long they could go up in to the ship and talk to them.

That's what the humans were guessing before they knew anything at all about the aliens. I don't think they were ever able to figure out the alien atmosphere. By the end of it, I was pretty sure the 18 hour thing was a construct setup by the aliens to keep all 12 sites at an even pace. I'm also still thinking that the same 2 aliens were going to all the sites. It seemed like the visitation times were staggered. They never said it specifically (that I recall), but there were a couple of times when people on the computer screens mentioned that their turn was coming up. Did they ever tell us how long the visitations lasted?

He says that Abott is "Death Process" which could mean he's dead or maybe that he's in the process of dying, either wounds from the explosion or poisoned by our air.

Coulda also just been old and dying of natural causes.


<Gold Donor>
Coulda also just been old and dying of natural causes.
True, but it was pretty heavily implied that it was due to the explosion, to the point we as viewers were even supposed to feel bad about being shitty humans who do things like blow up friendly aliens.

I really enjoyed this movie, but I've sort of made myself stop analyzing it too much because I'm afraid I'll end up not liking it. I think it is much better on first viewing, and any subsequent viewings or analysis is bound to lessen the experience.
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Potato del Grande
This was a good movie. Going into it knowing nothing made for a good time.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Just saw this today. I really enjoyed it. A couple posts here were questioning why AA wouldn't "alter" her timeline, etc. I think you missed the point. She isn't some time traveling being, she simply can recall the memories of her lifetime at any given point. Doesn't say anything about being able to change anything, ie: free will.

One thing that stood out, in recalling her future life, AA saw her daughter making drawings and playdough / clay characters of what her mother and father experienced with the aliens in the past. In one discussion, the kid says something along the lines of "its make believe, but a story of mom and dad talk to animals". Now, my question is, how did the daughter know this without AA outright telling her of this experience in detail, down to the bird in the room and color of the hazmat suits. The daughter was never "alive" during any of this period to have these visualizations. It's really the only thing I can't figure out.


Lord Nagafen Raider
She asks a question towards the end that implies free will, though. But the whole movie is essentially based on a paradox in the first place - the aliens know that in 3,000 years they'll be in trouble but humans can / will help them, so they come to Earth to set that in motion. I guess it could omit that it is a possible timeline and that the aliens are way better at "reading" time and figuring out better outcomes but the whole premise just gets insanely convoluted instantly.

Also, her whole timeline of the movie is effectively meaningless. We see visions of her child supposedly during her pre-child life but the entire thing could be future her remembering all of it and just her mind wandering around, she doesn't seem to react or be affected by the "memories" until she's brain-deep in alien language. If she had visions of her child before the arrival that means she was already special OR the ability gained by mastering the alien language (tech?) has some retroactive-ish ripples.

There's also the paradox of the Chinese general passing on those words to her so she knows them in the past. It could be that's just a possible solution timeline her brain latched onto to solve the current crisis she was facing. That's more like how we would expect a fortune-telling superpower to work I guess.

Regardless of all of that rambling, I really really enjoyed to movie. My biggest complaint is that Renner's character is kinda presented in a sidelined way when if you read between the lines he's super instrumental and nearly as major as Adams' character (I think someone said it's more obvious in the story?). When THAT'S the biggest complaint I can come up with it's pretty great.