

I just caught up with this series over the last couple days and watched last night's episode. It's pretty good, but a lot of the characters and drama seems to parallel what they did in Smallville, particularly the Merlyn father/son drama, and the Tommy/Oliver drama. It's working out almost exactly like what they did with the Luthors in Smallville, except Tommy knows Oliver's secret, but they dragged Lex finding out about Clark for several seasons. Not dragging out the drama and monologuing is a nice change.

The Merlyn & Company's plot seems pretty obvious now:
Destroy the Glades via the "secret" subway tunnels under it, and use a terrorist attack as a cover in order to redevelop the land with skyscrapers (and a memorial).

I don't think the shipwreck being so close to the island was a coincidence. Seems to me that the terrorist group on the "prison island" are connected to Merlyn's council of bad guys back in Starling City, and they'll probably be the ones to plant the explosives or whatever. I'm guessing the Chinese are in on it too; gotta get your funding for all those Skyscrapers from somewhere. China's got the Triad there working some angle, probably as enforcers to see that it goes down as planned. I'm assuming the missile launcher on the island was the terrorist's way of insuring they Chinese don't get cold feet and bomb the shit out of them. Of course Merlyn just killed their Chinese council guy, so that'll probably end up with the Triad becoming a bigger problem for The Hood, though Oliver could always bring in his Russian mafia friends...

This show is dense. Lots going on, and since they're telling two stories at a time there's not much time for lulls in the action. I'm curious if after the big season 1 plot is thwarted by Ollie and friends if they'll continue with the island stories. I think it's a pretty good thing. It keeps the show pacing quick and all of it relates to what's going on in the present.

As for "who is Yao Fei?", I think he's a mash-up of two members ofThe Great Ten; The Accomplished Perfect Physician (Yao Fei, that tea is the shit!) and the Celestial Archer (Xu Tao).


Well they did have to shut the nightclub down to sort out the ventilation system, it doesn't happen overnight you know!

Slightly more seriously, apparently when it exploded out of the blocks early on they hastily ordered more episodes (going from 16 to 22 or something like that) and rather than have a huge break between the stuff they had finished and the new ones being ready in time they elected to string out a few so people won't quite forget about its existence.

That is one thing we Brits get right, it takes a huge world or sporting event for us to delay our telly seasons. Then again we typically only make 6 or so per season


<Gold Donor>
That is one thing we Brits get right, it takes a huge world or sporting event for us to delay our telly seasons. Then again we typically only make 6 or so per season
Fuck you guys and your fucking 4 measly episodes of Luther!!


Millie's Staff Member
lol and 3 episodes of sherlock which are 90 minutes long, take forever to shoot and could easily be compacted into just 60 minutes.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Dont really care to see them become vigilante's but I guess they're movie the speedi arc a long, BF would be ok I guess. Regarldless it was another entertaining episode

Spoiler if you dont want to know who the BF is going to be
Boyfriend is Roy Harper/Red Arrow/Arsenal/Speedy

Turns into Arsenal after losing his arm


has an outie
Didn't know about the 2nd spoiler... wonder if they'll go that far(spoiler: they won't because it'd cost too much money. He may get a scar ala: Tyrion in Game of Thrones. :|)

This show is so hard to watch but at the same time so easy(more shirtless scenes please.)


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Didn't know about the 2nd spoiler... wonder if they'll go that far(spoiler: they won't because it'd cost too much money. He may get a scar ala: Tyrion in Game of Thrones. :|)

This show is so hard to watch but at the same time so easy(more shirtless scenes please.)
He just gets a prosthetic arm that he shoots out of, It wouldnt need a big budget tbh



has an outie
Maybe, but for Q Consolidated (in the show, don't know about the comic) doesn't have a military dept does it? They haven't shown it having shit in general. :/


We must be on the final stretch of the season now for all the shit that went down last night to be happening.

Why on earth he runs after Laurel when Felicity is right there...


Blackwing Lair Raider
Seriously Felicity is smoking hot and says the most hilariously socially awkward things.


French Madman
We need some foursome Felicity/Laurel/Huntress action, stat.

Other than that, good episode. The whole "taking out a whole corridor full of goons" was badass.


Millie's Staff Member
was kinda funny arrow shaves his beard for the first time this season and just so happens in his flashback before the boat trip hes also clean shaven. im also severely disappoint in merlyn, he has a conversation with mother queen, then that day her hubby gets rescued and he is too stupid to conjecture the bitch set him up or at the least is working with arrow?


Who says he hasn't? It was a busy episode, no reason they can't have him thinking about his revenge next week.

If that conversation with Oliver didn't tip him off to him being the Arrow then sure, you can call Merlyn a retard but the evidence is hardly in just yet.

Edit: And yes, I'm arguing with Astro, doh.


Millie's Staff Member
im not arguing, gwen. i posed a question, not a statement. just seemed like they skipped a scene of merlyn making soime subtle comment thats hes gonna fuck the bitch up or at least making a frowny face at mother queen. hes killed people for just a hint of betrayal, maybe as you said they are saving that for later. as it is now its out of place to have no reaction.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
We need some foursome Felicity/Laurel/Huntress action, stat.

Other than that, good episode. The whole "taking out a whole corridor full of goons" was badass.

and when the episode ended,i was so pissed.i really want to see how this season ends.
maybe next week we will see Tommy's father in action...again