Ssraeszha Raider
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- 19,679
Damien just doesn't seem to be on the same level as previous villains. Ollie just keeps charging in like a retard and doesn't form any kind of strategy to counter Darhke's magic.
it was a good episode, though i had wished they had moved passed the felicity drama. and if you watched that teaser clip, was she standing at the end?Stupid drama and "drug abuse" upcoming from that teaser clip. Bleh.
Anyway, increased screen time and Felicity being super upset/pissed at the funeral = Felicity's mom dead, in my opinion.
Looked like it to me too. I didn't notice that the first time was a good episode, though i had wished they had moved passed the felicity drama. and if you watched that teaser clip, was she standing at the end?
I thought it might be a fake death. If it was felicity's mom, why was felicity hiding in the limo while he and barry visited the grave? For some reason, I coulda swore we saw the name on the tombstone before the break and it was felicity. Was my brain just filling in blanks, or did they release something like that and then change it?I'm of the opinion that it is probably Felicities mom, though I wouldn't rule out Thea (though I do find it unlikely).
I enjoyed this episode, I was talking about the teaser looked like it had unnecessary relationship/performance/drug abuse drama coming up, that's all. We all know she's going to decide to stick around and direct the team and love Oliver and not be hooked on drugs blah blah. But for one episode they'll try to get us to believe that maybe EVERYTHING IS ABOUT TO CHANGE, DUN DUN DUHHHH! was a good episode, though i had wished they had moved passed the felicity drama. and if you watched that teaser clip, was she standing at the end?
Your brain is filling in blanks, we never saw who it was.I thought it might be a fake death. If it was felicity's mom, why was felicity hiding in the limo while he and barry visited the grave? For some reason, I coulda swore we saw the name on the tombstone before the break and it was felicity. Was my brain just filling in blanks, or did they release something like that and then change it?
I hope not. I feel like Team Arrow is already convoluted with the number of people who go on missions. Personally, I'd be happy if Thea did side-work that wasn't directly tied to whatever Oliver is doing at the time. Additionally, Laurel is still silly - I had a big laugh when she shows up this episode and does her screech behind Thea and the bad guy kinda laughed/shrugged it off. With Laurel, they need to go back to her being a DA first and a part time side-kick second. The show felt stronger to me when it was just Oliver and Diggle out on missions, with Felicity as support, and the other cast members provided non super-hero drama.It's gonna be diggle and his brother will turn good and join team arrow.
I don't think so. I'm pretty sure from preview type stuff we've seen at the minimum Oliver/Barry/Laurel know what's going on with the Legend of Tomorrow stuff, at least in the means that they know who is involved with it if not exactly what they are doing.I also have suspicion this will be legends of tomorrow related and its Ray Palmer who they think dead and vandal savage is the on they are referring to. I don't think dahrk is the final baddie of the season. Wouldn't be surprised merlyn or deathstroke doesn't fill that role toward the end