Man, I really wonder about Charlie sometimes.
Biggest thing that makes me shake my head about his video is his assertion that either China White or Ras did that to Thea. Umm, hello? Why couldn't it have been Malcolm? Unless you're trying to tell me that Malcolm was also "under the influence" and didn't remember bringing her back until shown the video, why couldn't it be him trying to force exactly this kind of confrontation where it is a win/win for him either way? Either Ras dies, and Malcolm is free of the death sentence, or Oliver does, and now Thea has no one but Malcolm to turn to. Seems like pretty compelling motives to me. But Charlie thinks Ras himself set her up, or China White?? To what purpose for the first, and how would the second even know to do it? Let alone have the ability to do the same thing to Malcolm, Mr. Careful?
Sometimes I wonder if he watches the same show I do.