Caveat: I really want this game to be good and succeed, but....
This game has a TON of red flags. Its saying all the right things, but I am seeing a lot of similarities with both No Mans Sky (which years later is now a fantastic game mind you) with its initial hype off the charts and Star Citizen here.
For one, unhinged design and scope creep. Its literally promising the world and more. Its every single feature every single player of a MMO could ever want...and they are talking about ALL of it as if its going to be in place for launch. The fact that this content was not bucketed, road-mapped and planned out in development stages and very carefully communicated to players to temper expectations absolutely reeks of Game Development Rookie. 250 vs. 250 PvP alone is enough to keep an entire game dev team busy to try and balance, manage perf issues, server infrastructure and optimization...just nailing this would be an achievement. This is Star Citizen level of scope of creep that is obviously being driven by an inexperienced, undisciplined, and soon to be surprised CEO.
Another thing: like sports, just because you get a team of veteran AAA developers, it takes time for people to gel and make magic. This is an incredibly ambitious first project to come out of the gate with for a team that has never built anything before. This is Interstellar travel before flying to Mars or the Moon.
Watching the full video of features and you quickly get the sense that what is being described sounds more like a mature MMO thats been live for 6+ years and and is a base game with various expansions...not something that is going to launch in anything near resembling this state.
Now I have not followed this game closely, and I am basing this entirely on the video talking about the game, so If I'm mistaken, someone please call me out. But if this is what they are saying the game will be when it launches, then yea, this seems like its going to be a mountain of disappointment.