Ashes of Creation


So this game started its kick starter 3 years after Pantheon, got many millions more dollars in funding and..... dev streams full of concept art and updated textures

  • 1Worf
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Vyemm Raider
When I heard they were making the sea open PVP, and all the focus on trade routes I got archeage vibes. I enjoyed the trade pack system in it so if they can make something similar with sea combat as good or better than archage Ill give it a shot when it comes out.

Archage's problem was that the gearing system was ridiculous pay to win bullshit and gear made such a massive difference in PVP such that you could barely even damage the top pay to win players, while they could cleave though dozens of lesser geared people.


Molten Core Raider
Was positive to hear Steve' comments regarding RMT/gold buying. He openly admitted doing it but highlights the creators of games create the environment where it is essentially required/supported to be competitive.

Will see when the rubber hits the road but good to hear they are building heavy tool sets to help identify RMT activities and actively will pursue. Most of us who have been doing MMO's for 20+ years are used to the lip service, but I've been following for a few years and slightly hopeful AoC is really going to deliver on some fronts where others have failed. I'm a little scared there may be too many systems dependent upon player interaction and in today's world of younger kids wanting insta gratification and roller coaster rides could end up in failure...but definitely liking what I am hearing so far. I bought Alpha 2 access few years back and fucking patiently waiting....

Got the wife willing to give it a try after seeing some of the mounts, guessing they have a bowl of drugs in the artist lounge but hey it has her excited to try so lets go!!! One of the main under lining themes Steve has been talking about through the whole dev process is actual winners and losers and not everyone gets a trophy...I just pray that truly gets implemented even though it will drive out the kids of the world who were brought up thinking everyone actually gets a 1st place ribbon even though they were last across the finish line. Really hope they can make for an organic itemization experience. So sick of the +1 better mentality or everyone having 100% same gear. Make shit rare, make it hard to get, make it a big deal when player Uber X is walking in the streets with his god damn firey sword of bad assery that most will never get. And make the damn sword massive like fuck the common wealth!!! Life isn't fair, some people drive Ford Pinto's and others drive Porshe's.

I WANT TO FEEL AGAIN!! Whether thats feeling better then the little nerdlings green with envy because of my awesome gear or sad and inferior because some how some basement dweller has figured out to get awesome loot better then me which drives me to work harder. Sadly getting old enough and been in a holding pattern for years waiting for a MMO to sink my teeth into that if AOC isn't a game I can play for the next 5+ years plus may just be time to retire for good from the genre.

  • 1Pathetic
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Mad because Steve?

work on it, ill give ya a chance

i give everyone a fair shake

there should be no division between us questers and facts should prevail over feelings, let's just be men about it in the end

bring back the Sox to the Pantheon thread, it was far far far more entertaining than the office slack chat tier/cringe normie gifs


Trakanon Raider
work on it, ill give ya a chance

i give everyone a fair shake

there should be no division between us questers and facts should prevail over feelings, let's just be men about it in the end

bring back the Sox to the Pantheon thread, it was far far far more entertaining than the office slack chat tier/cringe normie gifs
I dont know... I liked the falling down videos.


Trakanon Raider
I am an older gamer and have been playing mmo s a long long time (since the 1980's) I remember requiring a group for what today is solo content. I Miss group content.. alot. If Intreped holds true to its dream of requiring groups again,, I m all for it. lets look at wow a bit. if you are horde when s the last time you and your friends attacked an alliance city? If you are alliance when s the last time you and your friends attacked a horde city?
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I am an older gamer and have been playing mmo s a long long time (since the 1980's) I remember requiring a group for what today is solo content. I Miss group content.. alot. If Intreped holds true to its dream of requiring groups again,, I m all for it. lets look at wow a bit. if you are horde when s the last time you and your friends attacked an alliance city? If you are alliance when s the last time you and your friends attacked a horde city?
Just realize that this game is still at least 2 years out. They are FINALLY introducing a new class (Ranger) next week in the monthly reviews. I will say that it does appear that they are moving a little faster with content now that the new engine swap is finished. The next big phase is Alpha 2 which many think will occur sometime next summer/fall. That phase will leave the servers active. Those servers will eventually become the Test servers of the future. It is also expected that given the amount of content being tested and the amount still needed, that the phase will last 6-12 months before Beta will start.

There are many players with their eye on this game....


<Gold Donor>
I am an older gamer and have been playing mmo s a long long time (since the 1980's) I remember requiring a group for what today is solo content. I Miss group content.. alot. If Intreped holds true to its dream of requiring groups again,, I m all for it. lets look at wow a bit. if you are horde when s the last time you and your friends attacked an alliance city? If you are alliance when s the last time you and your friends attacked a horde city?
Yeah it was ok but it came with a lot of negatives too. If you look at EQ, most people jsut did the easy loop to level because everything was so risky. Those zones were camped to all hell and on some nights like literally everything in the zone was dead. Also, depending on class, you could be sitting there LFG for a hour or more and not actually "playing" the game. Then in the group, when you finally got one, you just sat in one spot for hours while someone pulled mobs to your camp, rinse and repeat. This was literally EQ in a nutshell for like 90% of people. Dungeons were a thing sure but they were the same shit as above. Usually sitting in one spot in a corner while people pull shit to your camp. There was no "crawling" because, again, 90% of the people would get their asses handed to them.

But having said all that it also allowed you to actually chat with people because of all the downtime so that was a big bonus IMO. MMOS kinda went the way of too action combat and not enough strategy IMO. I think a mmo, especially a group oriented one needs that strategy element other than just running in and hack and slash or dancing around puddles of green or red goo on the ground.

That being said I would like to see games like this return but with some tweaks to they systems a bit so it allowed your group to actually explore and do a dungeon from top to bottom without so much risk that people shy away from shit like that for fear of the death penalties or loosing all of your shit.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
That being said I would like to see games like this return but with some tweaks to they systems a bit so it allowed your group to actually explore and do a dungeon from top to bottom without so much risk that people shy away from shit like that for fear of the death penalties or loosing all of your shit.
And this is where instancing becomes necessary. Imagine EQ, but you run an "instance" of Old Sebilis and every mob you kill stays dead. It'd allow you to explore the entire dungeon. And each reset you'd have a chance for rares to pop up like Chef, Armorer, etc.
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<Gold Donor>
Im all for instancing. No one wants to wait in line for hours to camp some remote spot in some dungeon. That to me is just bad game design. But you know, the EQ purists will shit all over that. Instancing also opens up the game to having events, special boss encounter,s scripted events, and other shit that just isnt possible if your dungeons are all public 100%.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The only people against any instanced pve content were ebayers and Uber guilds that wanted to control everything.

As for heavy group required, you need a balance. Too much and people quit from frustration because they can’t make any progress without a group and getting groups is hard. Too little and people feel disconnected from the Playerbase

I quit FF11 years back because my friends outleveled me since I was at work more, then it took me an hour as a DPS to find a shit tier group that took 15 minutes to kill a crab as part of an xp grind group, if I log in to play, I want to play, not sit in the virtual equivalent of a DMV line
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
AOC will be good, but its really just a refined Archeage with more features. Nothing wrong with that - WoW did it to EQ for example and it worked out wonderfully.

But really I think the next big MMO needs to or will concentrate on having different playstyles within all of their classes. There should be classes that play like a WoW rogue with high APM. But there should also be a class that plays like the EQ Wizard that has 1-5 APM that are hard hitting abilities with downtime. Then classes that are action focused like Tera or New World with equivalent APM as listed above. Then classes that have a hybrid of both systems and everything else in between APM and play styles. Basically, there should be a play style that fits everyone in how they want to play and how fast or slow they want to play.

Experienced gamers realize that theyve had to give up friends time and time again because either they couldnt keep up with their friends or vice versa. If housewife Mary all of a sudden had a class that she could keep up with the pumpers while feeding her fifteen babies - then thats better for everyone. Design content that works well with the mix of styles and it'll work.

Same type of argument can be said for those players that just want to stay in an area and grind and those that want to move around. Just create content that works in both of those situations - stop forcing people to play your stupid game one way over another.
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Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
AOC will be good, but its really just a refined Archeage with more features. Nothing wrong with that - WoW did it to EQ for example and it worked out wonderfully.

But really I think the next big MMO needs to or will concentrate on having different playstyles within all of their classes. There should be classes that play like a WoW rogue with high APM. But there should also be a class that plays like the EQ Wizard that has 1-5 APM that are hard hitting abilities with downtime. Then classes that are action focused like Tera or New World with equivalent APM as listed above. Then classes that have a hybrid of both systems and everything else in between APM and play styles. Basically, there should be a play style that fits everyone in how they want to play and how fast or slow they want to play.

Experienced gamers realize that theyve had to give up friends time and time again because either they couldnt keep up with their friends or vice versa. If housewife Mary all of a sudden had a class that she could keep up with the pumpers while feeding her fifteen babies - then thats better for everyone. Design content that works well with the mix of styles and it'll work.

Same type of argument can be said for those players that just want to stay in an area and grind and those that want to move around. Just create content that works in both of those situations - stop forcing people to play your stupid game one way over another.
That never works, because the ADHD spazzes all hopped up on adderall do nothing but bitch that "easy", "low apm" classes shouldn't be able to do the same/similar DPS as classes that require Asian hands to play.

I 100% agree with you in that is my idea of absolute "peak" class design (literally different (key)strokes for different folks), but the playerbase never allows for it. I saw it happen all the fucking time in a game like Black Desert where people would constantly cry that a "slow/low" APM class like a Guardian could grind mobs just as/more effectively than a "fast/high" APM class like a Ninja.


<Gold Donor>
I never understood that type of thought process either. Especially in a PvE type game who gives a fuck. Play whatever floats your boat. ITs the board warriors and reddit clowns too, the loud minority fucks who prob dont even play the game that bitch too.
  • 1Solidarity
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Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
The good news is that Pearl Abyss(Black Desert devs) mostly didn't care/listen. There were high APM classes that fucking sucked for a long time and they just didn't do shit about it. "Slower" classes grind better than you at certain spots, "deal with it" was kind of their mentality for a long time.

And while I mostly agree with their approach, that approach is also really fucking horrible for class balance, because you almost NEVER saw the higher APM classes like Tamer, Kuno, Ninja, etc.