Yes, making things simple and dumbed down to require no effort of being a community is never good. In the end people don’t try to be social or hardly amiable, they queue, pew pew, and bounce. There is no sense of being part of anything other than a machine that allows everything to be done easily.
I miss having to form groups and be part of something to advance on your own server. Think back to Lguk, or ToV rotations, things you couldn’t do buy yourself and needed to form or break bonds to do. A ninja looter was known by all and couldn’t just queue up and be in another group. Sure some of this doesn’t apply to how games are currently but imo that’s the disconnect and also why I don’t feel any sense of giving a shit of what happens and who does what in current mmo. I raided with Slippery for some years in EQ2 and while it’s not a great example it was some of the most fun I had raiding in years.
Currently tactics, rotations, necessary support classes just don’t seem to matter as much. No I don’t really feel wow is that tactical compared to older raiding content in games.