Awwwwwww. No one ever bitches about my PMs.Not to mention, a lot of Scratch's threats were made in private, so no, I can not link to it Tan.
I vote for Scratch. Tolan is not a chronic post-reporter. And he has definitely never contacted me in PMs to tell me 'what's up' or whatever.
Scratch always reported. He was always reporting this thing or that thing, always bringing discussions to PMs, always being a thorn. Tolan might be a bit of a Loony Lefty, just as was Olscratch, but at least he only makes posts and doesn't seek to like, revolutionize the entire board or something.
Tolan and Scratch are very close to each other politically, but one of them states himself in the right manner in the right threads, keeps it civil, can take the occasional joke, and can go mostly with the flow. The other was a constant contrarian thorn merely for the sake of being a thorn. A thorn for thorn's sake.
I vote Olscratch for AssHat of 2016.
Because you guys wasting time on a shitty, memelord, /r/im14andthisisdeep avatar that will never get used makes me giggle.
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