All that image indicates is that onslaught is a moron and these debates are useless.Yes, he's fighting Onslaught, a being with Magneto + Professor X + Reality Warping powers that once wiped out the Avengers and FF at the same time.
As been said in the comics, he's so far ahead of the rest of the humans, that you would think he's superhuman. I think in the comics, they said his top speed is 50 MPH, and he doesn't get tired easy. I think the fastest human caps out at what, 25 MPH, and can only do that for a few seconds? Cap can run at 50 MPH for several miles.Cap's shield in the comic book is special. The Beyonder even remarked that it has like the perfect atomic structure. He also says this after recreating Mjolnir and the Silver Surfers board.
In the MCU it's just a Vibranium shield. Although it did take a mighty whack from Mjolnir with no effect to Cap.
As for Cap himself he is the pinnacle of human perfection. He's also the best fighter on Earth and has trained almost every single one of the Avengers in hand to hand.
Yep. Showing Captain America winning skirmishes that his opponents aren't taking seriously isn't demonstrating much.I mean come on, beating a guy who controls metal with a metal shield...that's not showing cap has power, that just showing bad writing.
And the marvel wikia says this.Strength Level:Captain America represents the pinnacle of human physical perfection. While not superhuman, he is as strong as a human being can be. He can lift (press) a maximum of 800 pounds with supreme effort.
Known Superhuman Powers:Captain America has agility, strength, speed, endurance, and reaction time superior to any Olympic athlete who ever competed. The Super-Soldier formula that he has metabolized has enhanced all of his bodily functions to the peak of human efficiency. Notably, his body eliminates the excessive build-up of fatigue-producing poisons in his muscles, granting him phenomenal endurance.
Captain America has mastered the martial art of American-style boxing and judo, and has combined these disciplines with his own unique hand-to-hand style of combat. He engages in a daily regimen of rigorous exercise (including aerobics, weight lifting, gymnastics, and simulated combat) to keep himself in peek condition. Captain America is one of the finest human combatants Earth has ever known.
He has been known to overhead press 800 lbs,[citation needed] but had also bench-pressed 1,200 lbs and curled 500 lbs.[82] He is cited as having the strength of 10 men[citation needed] and had himself once stated that he has the strength of half a platoon of fighting men (around 10). The average man is capable of lifting his own body weight, around 180 lbs, so, Captain America could be able to lift ten times that weight.[citation needed] He had been referenced at least twice as having preternatural strength. But it seems to say that 1,200 pounds is his limit. Therefore his strength is beyond human ordinary.
Classification in handbook bios reference Steve as peak human. He is often referenced as being a "Super Human", "Super Man", and even being "beyond man"
Iron fist.Pretty sure Cap is #1 'fighting ability' in the Marvel universe. Think Taskmaster says that he's better than him somewhere and one of his only other challenging opponents is Deadpool because Deadpool doesn't care about being hurt when he fights.
Captain America, Black Panther, Iron Fist, Shang Chi and maybe Daredevil make the shortlist of best combatants on the Earth. Cap/Black Panther are considered the best on that list. Thor has been ranked up there also, as he's an immortal who has trained for thousands of years.Pretty sure Cap is #1 'fighting ability' in the Marvel universe. Think Taskmaster says that he's better than him somewhere and one of his only other challenging opponents is Deadpool because Deadpool doesn't care about being hurt when he fights.
I believe what I read they were referring to making the audience buy into balancing the powers. It is pretty hard to see all the Avengers standing around and wonder how some even hang with the others. While many of us "get it", the casual movie goer will look at Black Widow and Hawkeye then look at Thor and Hullk just to wind up scratching their head. Then if you do let that slide people then have to chew on what does this level of god or demigod really grant you in terms of power? immortality? and you pour that into the mix of human level, men taken serums, and a completely normal guy wearing a robot suit, I believe Stan or whoever was really referring to how will a team of writers, a producer, and director make this work at a successful level without either one, losing the lay audience, or two coming under critical fire from the hard core crowd. They have a lot of considerations and some fine lines.Doesn't seem too hard IMO. Of the current Avengers there's a pretty clear ranking of power with Thor and Hulk squarely on top in terms of raw power. Ironman is somewhere in the middle and Captain, Hawkeye and Black Widow being on the bottom. But the nature of the enemies they face means that they can all contribute evenly. The front half of the movies just need to show the less powered characters doing all the heavy lifting while Thor and Banner just kind of hang out and Stark gets drunk and drops one liners, then when shit hits the fan and it's time for explosions Thor, Hulk and Stark shine.
Obviously when there's an Ironman comic, Ironman is shown to be stupid OP, and when it's Thor's turn he wrecks face.
There's a few instances in the movies so far where they've severely underrated someone's power ( but I think it's been fine.
See I think you've got this backwards. I doubt the average movie goer really puts that much thought into it.It is pretty hard to see all the Avengers standing around and wonder how some even hang with the others. While many of us "get it", the casual movie goer will look at Black Widow and Hawkeye then look at Thor and Hulk just to wind up scratching their head.
This. Most don't care or even try to work it out. The casual movie goer doesn't give a damn.See I think you've got this backwards. I doubt the average movie goer really puts that much thought into it.
Like others have said, I think it's ok as long as they use them smartly. IE people like black widow are doing jobs that they can handle while letting the actual super-beings handle the dangerous stuff. Though there are some odd situations that seem to stem of not wanting to show a popular hero as a "lesser" one(like when Iron man fights Thor, which imo, should of literally been no contest, with thor just putting iron man down close to instantly).I can't be the only one who sees this:
and thinks, "But if Thor is there, why is Scar Jo there? What purpose does she serve in this scene?"
IIRC Lyrical was a big fan of Bat God too.All that image indicates is that onslaught is a moron and these debates are useless.
Any writer can infer any power level to any person at any time then flip it on its ass 2 issues later.
I mean come on, beating a guy who controls metal with a metal shield...that's not showing cap has power, that just showing bad writing.
I believe Tuco was being sarcastic. Perhaps he should have selected an even sexier image?Like others have said, I think it's ok as long as they use them smartly. IE people like black widow are doing jobs that they can handle while letting the actual super-beings handle the dangerous stuff. Though there are some odd situations that seem to stem of not wanting to show a popular hero as a "lesser" one(like when Iron man fights Thor, which imo, should of literally been no contest, with thor just putting iron man down close to instantly).
I can't be the only one who sees this:
and thinks, "But if Thor is there, why is Scar Jo there? What purpose does she serve in this scene?"
I'm pretty sure Thor was wearing the kid gloves when he fought Iron Man because he wasn't really trying to hurt him. If you remember when Iron Man falls unconscious from delivering the nuke, Thor very casually tears the faceplate right off his armor without any real effort. I'm pretty Thor would punk Iron Man pretty quickly if the plot of the movies ever actually called for it.This. Most don't care or even try to work it out. The casual movie goer doesn't give a damn.
I do my best to ignore it, since once I start on the "how the hell do they expect humans, even sanely super-humans(cap, batman, hawkeye,iron-man etc) to match up with actual super-powered beings/gods/entities etc" train, I would stop enjoying the movies.
Like others have said, I think it's ok as long as they use them smartly. IE people like black widow are doing jobs that they can handle while letting the actual super-beings handle the dangerous stuff. Though there are some odd situations that seem to stem of not wanting to show a popular hero as a "lesser" one(like when Iron man fights Thor, which imo, should of literally been no contest, with thor just putting iron man down close to instantly).