The strike a pose thing has been present since the first Avengers movie. The money shot at the beginning where they're all attacking in the same direction. It's a comic book thing to have everyone shown on the same page for a spectacular screenshot. Getting butt hurt because they did a compilation shot with the women characters is dumb as fuck. It's slightly distracting, but put your dick back in your pants because it fits and the screen caps will be awesome.
I'm sure SJW are going to suck at that tit, but I don't give a fuck. It's their life to waste.
You're just ignoring the difference between establishing a shot as organic in the film (Within the rules the film laid out, no matter how obtuse they are by our standards in reality) and simply barfing the shot up. In the first avengers movie, the pose struck established all the avengers retreating to that position
beforehand. The movie showed how/why they were getting free to get together, then it showed them together. The shot was
established and then displayed for cinematic effect
. In movie making, this is what segregates good fights and camera work from shit fights and camera work, when the audience has a relative frame and generally understands where/why actions is taking place. This is why the all girl "she's not alone" part in
Infinity war works, and
no gave a flying fuck about it. Its also why the main "strike a pose works"--because its established the Wizards are literally transporting everyone there, and thus its logical everyone is lined up.
In Endgame though, the establishment before that scene was that every female superhero was engaged in some significant task. Now if a few got free to run the football, no one would give a shit (Like when Thor and Hulk get free to take down one of those worms in Avengers). But that's not what happened. Despite establishing these characters all over the battle field, being integral to the battle, and showing them pinned down with everyone else from the barrage and then dealing with the after effects--out of nowhere they show EVERYONE that doesn't have a dick magically left their very integral locations to come strike that pose. You want to know who makes their movies like this, without giving a fuck communicating to the audience where/what the characters are doing, just "maximizing the cool of the shot"---
Michael Bay. Why is it so hard to just say "that's a stupid shot"? Because it is. No one said it totally ruined the movie, people just said that's stupid and maybe broke their disbelief for a minute.
However, if you're going to defend it, please stop being disingenuous in your reading of other people's criticism as if its butt hurt over women being there that's driving it. No, the main problem is it was lazy and clearly done as a lazy way to get a marketing rep a screen-cap. All anyone's asking is that they do the work to get there. Which is why no gives a shit when Scarlet Witch shows up and Girl Powers Thanos into the dirt, and everyone who isn't afraid of disrupting the church of SJWs ban on criticism thought this was retarded specifically because it DOES NOT FIT. And
you KNOW its retarded, that's why its "slightly distracting' (Which means it doesn't fit, by the way), which is why you have to make the criticism seem like its about being annoyed at women; because that's the only way to climb up to the moral high ground and defend those unearned, cheap Michael Bay moments as being "for the awesome" without sounding dumb.