And with how the super serum affects him, who knows just how fuckin' far into the future he went before returning... "I wanna make sure this shit works out." Probably had the opportunity to have sex with four generations of Carters.
I look at it that the super soldier serum doesn't make you immortal, but seriously extends lifespan. This makes sense since if he fought in WWII that would mean he was around 20 years old in 1943, he gets frozen (for argument sakes we'll say that pauses aging and the Serum is what let's him survive it). He get's woke up in 2008 or so, and goes to 2024 (remember the 5 years later bit in endgame). So he's now biologically around 35-36 now. He goes back and lives a life with Peggy Carter until she dies (let's say she makes it to 80, that puts alternate timeline in around 2008 conveniently) So that's another 60 years, so he's now around 96. I would pay real honest Yangbucks to look at good as he did at the end of this movie at 96. So I'll say the Serum helped out his longevity.....
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