Avengers: Endgame (2019)


Tranny Chaser
Well that's actually been the core issue in the comics. The reason they always got contained versus destroyed was that if you contained it then you could at least keep it out of circulation. If it gets destroyed it just regenerates somewhere else and is in the wind again.
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Buzzfeed Editor
This is the end for the Russo Bro's.

It looks like those rumors of Russo's clashing with Marvel about how Captain Marvel's role should be minimal were true. I don't really blame them. I imagine they were sympathetic to Johanson, Olsen, Zaldana feeling like they got passed over after putting their time into making themselves integral to the MCU--creatively that has got to be annoying to see a bunch of female talent be developed and then have some marketing/PR douche bag make an ad campaign about how the MCU now has a woman who is so amazing she has her own movie!
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
About time:
Since Cap took all the stones back to their proper places in the past, everything that happened, will happen again. So Thanos will find the Stones (without know about the Avengers hunting for them), and dust 50%, which then leads to Endgame bringing all the Dusted ppl back 5yrs later. Right?

The oddity is Bad Nebula bringing Thanos & Crew forward to the present, from time where he didn't have the stones... and getting dusted. That would make it seem that he was removed from the continuous timeline, thus breaking everything. Right?
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
As for the next Phase, there is a high chance it will be trash.
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Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>

“That breaks my heart to hear that, because there’s no reason,” Larson said. “I don’t understand how you could think that a certain type of person isn’t allowed to be a superhero. So to me it’s like, we gotta move faster. But I’m always wanting to move faster with this stuff.”

“It wasn’t enough for me to just look strong on a poster; it needed to extend further than that,” she continued. “I feel like I can’t at the end of the day go to sleep at night if I didn’t do everything that I possibly could.”
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<WoW Guild Officer>
It makes me wonder if she's got some top level execs by the balls or something. That's probably why a lot of the big dogs in the Avengers are walking away too. Chuk's already been crusading about Brie Larson, but honestly if you see the movie she seemed completely unnecessary. I have a feeling this "new age of diversity" is going to really shit the bed hard for the MCU.
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Millie's Staff Member
It looks like those rumors of Russo's clashing with Marvel about how Captain Marvel's role should be minimal were true. I don't really blame them. I imagine they were sympathetic to Johanson, Olsen, Zaldana feeling like they got passed over after putting their time into making themselves integral to the MCU--creatively that has got to be annoying to see a bunch of female talent be developed and then have some marketing/PR douche bag make an ad campaign about how the MCU now has a woman who is so amazing she has her own movie!
at least they gave a hell of a farewell party. i predict Feige will announce his departure next month or so. probably get Paul Feig now and pretend nothing changed. :p
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Millie's Staff Member
It makes me wonder if she's got some top level execs by the balls or something. That's probably why a lot of the big dogs in the Avengers are walking away too. Chuk's already been crusading about Brie Larson, but honestly if you see the movie she seemed completely unnecessary. I have a feeling this "new age of diversity" is going to really shit the bed hard for the MCU.
am i crusading when everything ive been talking about is happening?
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Trakanon Raider
If we're dropping out of spoiler mode:
It's not anywhere near as good as Infinity War; the couple of scenes (almost all Cap based) push it above Ultron, but I don't even rank it above the original Avengers.

I _think_ we are supposed to assume Alt-Thanos' timeline in 2014 falls apart, but other than Alt-Gamora coming over, we don't care. Alt-Loki should be his own separate separate timeline, and whether he hops to ours in the show remains to be seen.

Just so everyone is clear, Hulk brings the snapees back, but he brings them back as they were five years later. It's brushed over because fighting has to happen, but that's a lot of time to be gone, and likely to be as disruptive as them disappearing in the first place. Peter Parker's passport not having a DOB year is now not an antispolier but the first sign things are weird now.
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I'm going to give this a B. My main gripes were:
- No Hulk smash, like at all.
- The girl power scene was ham-fisted and cringey
- I hate time travel movies because it's nigh impossible to close all of the loopholes and there are so many here it blows back my hair.

I'm not really interested in the next MCU phase at all really outside of a true Age of Apocalypse story or they bring in God King Doom.
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Buzzfeed Editor

“I feel like I can’t at the end of the day go to sleep at night if I didn’t do everything that I possibly could.”

People wonder why I get annoyed when the cadre of "its not a big deal, why talk about it" begin to shit up a discussion--as if even talking about this stuff is beyond the pale. It's because the other side of the equation is extremely motivated and absolutely will not drop it, ignoring them won't work. Everything in their life is about promoting this ideology--everything, and they will go to any length to do it. Given the ideology is an envy-based heuristic, that tends to lead to really ugly places when left unchecked in a society. People dismiss it because "its just some retards on college campuses" or "its just some actress"--without realizing the worst purges in the modern world were propagated by academics and artists. The whole dismiss it because its just some bobble heads ends when you start to hear major institutions (Like billion dollar media companies) and national politicians parroting the ideology. The only way to fight it is to get comfortable about expressing displeasure at it. Pretty simple to do, but difficult to motivate people for because we're so used to this being a sacred cow (IE diversity). Its fine to think of diversity/equality as positive forces, but these things have their dark sides too and people need to feel comfortable discussing those bad aspects.
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<WoW Guild Officer>
am i crusading when everything ive been talking about is happening?

Nah, but you've been vocal about what several of us are hinting at: she's toxic and this "movement" of hers is going to sink the MCU.
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<Silver Donator>
What the fuck is this cunt on about now? There's 3 black dudes, a Latina, 2 Asians and a whole bunch of other skin colors not even on the current human spectrum in the marvel universe.

I'm glad this movie is wrapping up this period. I enjoyed it thoroughly, but I think i'm going to pass up on the next generation.
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Aychamo BanBan

I'm writing my review before I read everyone else's. I think I have at least 6 pages of reading to catch up.

*** SPOILERS *** (It's after movie release day of the most anticipated movie of the decade, we shouldn't have to spoiler tag anymore!)

I fucking loved this movie. Things I loved:

Emotionally, this movie beat the shit out of me. I had tears welling up numerous times.

Right from the beginning it just beats you down. On every level. You get hit in terms of family when Hawkeye's family disappears, anyone with kids can't help but be affected by that. Then you get this weird buildup where they go fight Thanos, kill him, then it's all of a sudden five years in the futures. It's a beat down, depressed world. Very similar to The Leftovers. Everyone's just sad and looking for purpose. Even Black Widow has watery eyes while just conducting day to day business. The callbacks when they were searching for stones were good, except it sucked that they had to go to the world of Thor 2.

The end sequence was fucking phenomonal. There's so much to talk about. First of all, Captain America getting Thor's hammer was just so fucking great. He looked amazing using it, the lighting was phenomenal, and it worked perfectly. The breaking of his shield was amazing, and he took a hell of a beating. But after that ... holy fuck, when every single Avenger comes on screen at the same time, it was breathtaking. Literally not a sound from the audience. I think everyone was just trying to do a combination of catching their breath and not starting crying, haha.

Iron Man's death was perfect. Brutal and heart breaking. Again silence from the audience, except for people trying to not cry. His send off was great. Captain America's wasn't as good, but I liked that he got to live his life with his girl finally. He did something for himself. Thor's hammer must be out there somewhere.

Asguardian's of the Galaxy, love it. And the way they bring back Gamora worked, and should be great for next Guardians.

I guess Black Widow is dead?

Things I didn't like:

1. Fat Thor - come on, the joke was funny, but this is the literal god of your entire universe, he was so fucking bad ass in Ragnarok and Infinity War, and then. you reduce him to this fat joke. He really doesn't even have any good action scenes in this movie. He barely hits Thanos (as fat thor), and then basically has to be saved by someone else.

2. Black Widow's death - it was like a "Knight vs Day" (Tom Cruise, Cameron Diaz) action sequence for who gets to jump off the cliff. So stupid.

3. There was a scene towards the end where one girl fighter is going to do something and all the other girls line up with her. If that is a prelude for what's to come with Marvel, I'm done.

4. Brie Olson - fucking sucks. She looked like a fucking transvestite dyke. She just has zero personality. And every time she delivers a line, its in the same voice and pattern as her "I don't need a bunch of white men telling me what to like." She's the single worst thing about the entire universe.

Bottom Line: Not a perfect movie by any means. But to me, this was a completely satisfying ending, and I fucking loved this movie. Can't wait to go see it at least twice more in theaters.
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Trakanon Raider
You all say you're done, but is anyone gonna pass on seeing Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3: The Big Thorbowski?
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
You all say you're done, but is anyone gonna pass on seeing Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3: The Big Thorbowski?
He did qualify it with an "if this is what's to come".
So no, nobody is missing out on GotG 3. But if the focus is feminism, social justice, and every other real-world bullshit thing happening atm, it's going to turn a lot of people away from Marvel.

But for now, Marvel makes the best superhero movies and nobody will be skipping out simply because of THIS scene.
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<WoW Guild Officer>
GotG is kind of its own thing, too. It would be out sooner if they didn't axe Gunn, who went right to working on the Suicide Squad sequel. Now its delayed until he's done with that movie, which means starting either 2020 or 2021.

DC really needs to get their shit together, this would be a good time to start doing some really good movies.


Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
What the fuck is this cunt on about now? There's 3 black dudes, a Latina, 2 Asians and a whole bunch of other skin colors not even on the current human spectrum in the marvel universe.

I'm glad this movie is wrapping up this period. I enjoyed it thoroughly, but I think i'm going to pass up on the next generation.

No pedophiles in wheel chairs I guess? Marvel will solve that with Prof. X when they get the X-Men back from Sony.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
You all say you're done, but is anyone gonna pass on seeing Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3: The Big Thorbowski?

Some Marvel movies will probably always be quality and popular, but a the big movie universe beloved by all demographics is probably dead. Robert Downey Jr is charismatic and his Ironman was a flawed and interesting character. Brie Larson has no charisma and her Captain Marvel is seemingly perfect and all powerful. The people not driven away by her woketivism will probably driven away by her boring character. Which is a problem if they want to build a new MCU around her.
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