I think the internet hate machine jumped on this one a little too hard, likely due to the potential here. I think this movie merits a 6.5 to 7 out of ten; i.e. worth seeing once in the theater. The wife and I liked it more than JW, Age of Ultron, or Ant Man. Being a DC nerd I got a lot of the references in the dream sequences, but their certainly could have been less of them. WW and Lex were terrible, both horribly miscast. The ending was like sitting through Return of the King again. The saddest part, and why I think its getting so much nerd hate, is that a few changes would have made this a top tier movie.
1) Lex- If you have a cold calculating delivery (ala Spacey and Brown's portrayal) of Luthor using the exact same lines, the movie improves almost 50% right there. This socially awkward millennial Lex is the single worst choice they made in the movie.
2) Editing- Trim the dream sequences down a bunch, especially all the origin story rehash shit. Cut the ending way back and focus on the Batman/WW exchange at the end. The post battle shit just dragged way too fucking long. A lot of them were littered with easter eggs only hardcore DC fanboys would even understand, so these should have been kept in the Blu-ray extras and not in the theatrical cut.
3) WW- Ok we are stuck with this pretzel Israeli woman who can't act worth a fuck. Start force feeding her cheeseburgers and steroids until she bulks out some more and get her a god damn acting coach. Its just silly how Bats made Supes look tiny next to him, but he fucking dwarfed this mush mouthed midget wonder woman. Worse still the portrayal of a regal warrior leader was completely abandoned for this low rent Black Widow knockoff. Just so much wrong with how she was handled at every level.
So, in a vaccum, not a bad movie. But it is damn hard to overlook the wasted potential. On the bright side, Old Man Batleck was awesome and I look forward to seeing his solo movies.