I didn't hate this movie as much as most, it's still one of the better DC movies ever (aside from the Nolan Batman trilogy, which are kind of their own thing imo).
That said, Eisenberg would have been a decent Joker, or some other random villain. The fact they made him 'Lex' but then had him go a totally different direction with the character was silly. His performance would have been just fine, a smart but psycho villain pulling the strings, but compared to what Luthor is generally like it was just dumb.
Affleck was great, pleasantly surprised at that. Cavill is fine, nothing great, but nothing bad about him really. I was ok with Wonder Woman, her strength is more magical/meta human then real muscles anyways. WW, the character, had the best scene imo. The actress is eye candy, so overall I didn't hate her either.
The disjointed dreams/references were a little off, and I understand why most disliked them. I, personally, enjoyed the references to some alternate timeline stories and that was one of the only ways you could do it realistically.
I also liked how they handled Doomsday. The real character would be a little hard to understand and translate into a movie. Hell, I always thought his 'power' was a little ham-fisted in the comics. No matter HOW he dies, he can't be killed that way again. Every atom in his body obliterated? NP, brb, and you can't ever blast me apart again, kthx. Teleported to the end of time and crushed by the entire universe imploding? gimme 5 mins and a sandwich and I'll be fine. *rolls eyes*
Anyway, I'm not saying it was a masterpiece, just really surprised how many people absolutely hate the movie. It's not fantastic four levels of bad.. :-/ I would think it should have scored a 60-70% range.
P.s. someone said previous Snyder's movies all tanked, I thought Watchmen broke even in the box office but did really well in DVD sales and such?